The Annoying Expense Of Travel Insurance And Why You Need It.


 The Annoying Expense Of Travel Insurance And Why You Need It.

It’s really expensive to travel, especially if you want to be safe about it. One way you can guarantee that your trip will go as smoothly as possible is by purchasing travel insurance.

This blog post is going to discuss the reasons why travel insurance is so important and how you can purchase it at a low cost!

#3) The Introduction Is Too Short
The following are reasons why an introduction might be too short: 

 * It only establishes a vague idea of what the blog post will cover  * The introduction doesn't match the tone of the rest of the blog  * It doesn't say anything relevant or useful about the content of the blog post. This is particularly a problem if the introduction is too short.  * It doesn't motivate readers to continue.

#4) Formatting Errors

A blog post needs to be formatted correctly for a lot of reasons:

 * It helps the reader know where one idea ends and the next begins. * Formatting can give a blog post a uniform appearance, which creates consistency and looks more organized. * Proper formatting makes it easy for the reader to follow along with what is being said through things like bulleted and numbered lists.

Here are some ways that you can reduce formatting errors from your blog posts:  * Use paragraph breaks after every idea or section that you finish talking about in your blog post.  This makes sure that each section is clear from the next.  It also makes sure that your blog post is not one long paragraph.  That’s really hard to read!  Not to mention it completely disregards the structure of the English language. * Use a second line whenever you write a number or bullet point so that when you put a number or bullet point in your blog post, it will show up on a new line. * Consider using an outline tool so you can clearly organize your thoughts and ideas before you ever write them down for your blog.
#5) The Blog Entries Are Too Long
Much like formatting errors, blog posts that are too long for the intended audience can cause your readers to get bored and lose interest right away.  If you think about it, this makes no sense.  As a blogger, you obviously want people to come back to your blog so they can continue to learn about your topics!
Here are some things that can cause blog entries to be too long: * Too much text on a single topic.  This causes your readers to become confused and distracted by unnecessary details.  They will have trouble figuring out the main point of the blog post, which is causing them to lose interest. * Too many references.  This often happens when you are referencing another blog post or website. * Too many quotes taken from other sources.  A quote is supposed to add insight rather than just repeat what someone else said in your own words.  You can also add links to the original source to give credit and provide even more information.  Quotes are great, but they can be overdone if done incorrectly. * Too many questions for the reader to answer on their own.  Remember, your readers want you to do as much of the work for them as possible so they can keep up with your blog more easily!
#6) The Blog Post Has Been Written By Someone Who Doesn't Understand The Topic Well Enough
This is a big one, and it's really easy to do!  Sometimes you come across a topic that sounds like it would be interesting, but in fact it isn't.
Some reasons you could be surprised by the quality of your blog posts include: 
* The topic is not something you have spent a lot of time researching. * The topic is completely new. * You are tired and can't think of anything good to write about, even though you make your living as a writer! * You're so busy at work that it seems impossible to find the time to write an interesting blog entry.  Don't let this happen to you! * Your friends or family members have asked you how to do something and you don't know how to explain it properly, even though they think it's an easy task.  You might find yourself trying to explain it to other people, who don't understand it either!
#7) The Blog Post Has Been Written By Someone Who Doesn't Understand the Audience
This is a mistake that you can make if you have been blogging for a while.  It's easy to forget who your audience is if you've been blogging about one thing for so long.  It's also easy to assume that everyone knows the basics of what you're talking about, but in reality many people have no clue what you are talking about.  The world of blogging changes quickly as new trends come and go.  If you are too focused on keeping up with trends, you could end up writing for an audience that doesn't care about the topics that you are talking about.  
Here are some ways to keep your blog posts relevant and interesting for your current and future readers: 
* Make sure your blog post is about something that will interest a wide variety of people. * Don't write guest posts related to topics that you know very little about.  This will only serve to bore the people who read it rather than make them interested in what is being written.   * Make sure all of your blog posts are actually relevant to something going on in the world today.  It would be really easy for some point to go completely unnoticed and you could find your blog post being deleted. * Always look at what your blog readers say about you on social media, whether it’s on Facebook or Twitter.  Their talking about your topic can help you figure out what they are interested in and how to write a blog post that will resonate with them.
#8) There Is Too Much Text On The Entire Blog Post
This is a really hard mistake for an experienced writer to make, but it’s easy to make mistakes when writing the first time! When there is too much text for the size of your blog post, it can cause people to lose interest quickly.


I know that this mistake seems really hard to prevent, but I'm sure that you'll be able to easily avoid almost any of these mistakes by simply paying closer attention to what you write. Give yourself credit! Remember that these posts are all part of your writing process and not tricks or shortcuts. You never know when you might need them!
Did you make some of these mistakes when writing a blog post? Comment below now and let me know if there are any mistakes that you remembered from your own blog posts!
How do you make sure that your blog posts aren't too long? What other mistakes have we left out? Please share them with us in the comments!

| By K.

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