The Connection Between Motivation and Happiness
In the words of Tony Robbins “You can have anything you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.”
This concept is known as The Golden Rule, and it will motivate your happiness and improve your quality of life. Happiness, by definition is an internal condition that depends on one's thoughts, physical health, getting rid of bad habits and connecting with others.
There are many external factors that can trigger happiness; like a new found connection with someone or the feeling after you've completed a project.
When getting your goals and dreams are in order the motivation to pursue them will improve. As a result, happiness follows.
In this article, we'll focus on how to achieve happiness through motivation and the different ways to do so.
Relationship Between Motivation and Happiness
When you spend time with people that make you happy, your level of happiness increases because you associate your experience with positive things. On the other hand, if any of these people do things that annoy or upset you; it's likely that those feelings will be associated with their image as well.
This all contributes to the development of a strong relationship between connection and happiness since one builds off of the other.
When you have more quality interactions with people, the more likely they'll want to make you happy. This will in turn inspire you to get what you want and increase your motivation.
When talking about motivation, one's intrinsic motivation is brought up often. Intrinsic motivation is the drive to do things without any external reward or expectation (1).
For example, playing an instrument might sound like a tedious task that wouldn't be very exciting at all. However, if a person learns how to play because they enjoy music, their intrinsic motivation will grow and motivate them to continue learning in order to achieve their goal of becoming a better musician.
The relationship between happiness and intrinsic motivation is pretty straightforward. The more a person enjoys a certain task, the more they will enjoy doing it, and the more likely that person will want to get better at it.
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All in all, the relationship between motivation and happiness is a complicated one, but it's one that is pretty easy to understand. If you enjoy an activity, it will be easier for you to get what you want out of it and this will therefore lead to increased motivation.
By doing something because we enjoy it, we also experience a vibe of happiness that builds off of our own intrinsic motivation. This means that getting what you want doesn't necessarily mean having to get involved in something that makes you miserable.
Instead, try to approach life with a positive attitude and find activities that make you feel happy.