Top 5 Ways to Save Money on Your Auto Insurance.


 Top 5 Ways to Save Money on Your Auto Insurance.

"Do you want to see something really cool? Come with me," I said, leading the way into the garage. "I have a replica of a spacesuit. I spend a lot of time in the garage and nothing makes me happier than staying in my little space suit."

"Mind if I look around?" my Mom asked, peeking around me from underneath her hair.

"It's your house. Look wherever you want," I told her as I pulled back the heavy inner garage door. Startled, she stepped out of the way, rubbing her arms as she stood in the middle of the rubber-tile floor. My Dad and I had our tools and framed pictures of our cars on the walls and on the shelves. My Mom liked the pictures of old gas guzzlers parked in swirls of dust with their headlights blazing into the glare. She used to say they were a symbol of masculine domination. I never quite understood what she was talking about but I guess that's what masculine dominance looks like on the inside.

"So what's this? Looks kind of old," Mom asked as she looked at the rusty tinplate fuselage.

"It's an old model airplane. I used to sit in it for hours when I was little," I droned holoscopically emulating her.

"That's really cool. I can see you sitting on it," she said, walking towards me.

"What do you want to see next?" I asked as I opened the inner garage door.

"I guess I'm ready for a ride," she grinned, peering in the backseat.

My parents were skeptical about me getting a job at the auto shop but my Dad worked there so they told me it was fine. When they saw the new shoes I had on and found out where I was working, they were unnerved.

"Are you sure you want to work there, honey?" Mom asked. "I'm very uncomfortable with the choices you're making."

"I have more important interests than getting a job," I said, rapping her on the head as I walked past her to my car. "Don't worry about me. The world is wide and I assure you I will find my purpose. You're worried that something bad might happen or some creepy guy might jump me in the bathroom. I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself."

"Are you sure you don't want to stay home?" she asked, her voice creaky as she wiped her eyes.

"I'm absolutely sure," I replied as I buckled my seatbelt.

This made my Dad rethink his approval and he asked me to leave the car parked at the house.

"We'd prefer you didn't go since it's so dangerous," he told me.

"I'm a big girl. I can handle myself," I laughed.

"We're sure you can. We just don't think it's necessary."

"I'm a rebel," I declared, pulling the garage door closed.

A few days after I started my job, I found myself wearing a new brown uniform like all the other employees, tinkering with cars like all the other mechanics, and cleaning up the mess the customers left behind, like everyone else. The owner of the shop said I was very good at buffing and was constantly telling me how great of a job I was doing. I really liked him. He was an ex-marine who had served in the far away galaxy of Neptune. He was very loud and loved to curse a lot. He never took 'no' for an answer and I loved when he took me out on his boat and we'd catch the fish, fry them, and eat them together. What was really nice was he didn't mind when I'd ask questions about all the tools he had in his workshop. I was overwhelmed by the sheer volume of his equipment, especially the sanders and the saws.

"I really like you, Alicia," he said as he pulled into the repair shop. "Now get your butt in there and start working. We don't have a lot of time to be messing around. We have a real hot little thing over at the dealership who wants this vehicle done by tomorrow. She's been talking to me and the guys about you. I told her you'd be the perfect mechanic for her. So we need to crank this thing out.


This is definitely a story well worth reading. Not only does it tell a wonderful experience, but it is very well written. The author used well similes and metaphors such as: 'lingering', 'creaky', 'Voice of reason', 'dusty' and 'evasive'. It is the sort of thing that will make readers laugh and turn the page for more. It is a great story by MasterwriterDan.

Reviewed by: Brianna

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