Want to know the 7 Things your auto insurance company should give you but doesn’t?


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How To Get The Best Car Insurance For Your Money - Auto Insurance News Service Blog | Written by: Michael McManus - 2/15/2012 3:21:40 PM

How To Get The Best Car Insurance For Your Money

Vehicle insurance is an essential coverage for car owners, and it's important to understand the importance of having the appropriate amount and type of vehicle insurance in order to ensure you're providing yourself with the proper level of coverage. If you find yourself in a situation in which you are unsure of your coverage, or if you're looking to get a quote on car insurance for yourself, it's important to understand what type of coverage you need and how much each type will cost.

The most common types of automobile insurance coverage are liability insurance and collision insurance. Liability insurance covers the costs associated with claims against your vehicle by other parties due to accidents; collision coverage provides compensation after a car accident. Due to this double standard, many car owners opt for both types of policies.

Liability Insurance

In the event that someone is injured or gets injured because of an accident involving your vehicle, liability insurance will cover the damages they incur as a result. Liability insurance can vary from state to state; the minimum amount you're legally required to carry is $15,000 per person for injuries and $30,000 for all people involved in an accident. It's important to remember that this coverage will not necessarily cover your car; it's meant to cover the cost of other people involved in an accident with your car. It will also pay for any property damage incurred during an accident. This type of coverage is extremely important when it comes to protecting yourself against any monetary costs resulting from a car accident.

Collision Insurance

Collision insurance is used to cover the cost of damages to the vehicle when it's involved in an accident. The average cost of a collision claim can reach into the thousands of dollars, so it's important that you carry this type of coverage if you want to protect yourself against such an expenditure. This type of policy is designed to provide compensation in the event that your car sustains damage due to an accident. There are two types of collision insurance policies: state minimum and comprehensive, but most people purchase both so they are covered against all costs; their limit is around $20,000 per person for total bodily injury (TBI) and $40,000 for death or dismemberment.

How Much Will These Policies Cost Me?

While this varies from state to state, it's important to remember that the higher your deductible is, the lower your premium will be. You'll want to take into account how much you drive, where you live (crime rates), and whether or not you have had any previous incidents with your vehicle. Insurance premiums are based on several factors:

• Make of Vehicle — Certain makes of vehicle are more prone to accidents than others. Some cars are more prone to high-speed collisions than others. You will want to ensure that you're using a car that has a low rate of accidents so as to minimize your insurance costs.

• Age of Driver — Younger drivers are more prone to accidents than older drivers. What's more, young men make up the majority of individuals who file claims for vehicle accidents.

• Driving Record — If you have a clean record, you're going to be paying less for your auto insurance than someone who has a history of reckless driving and car accidents.

In addition to these factors, you should also consider the following when determining how much car insurance will cost:

• Your credit score — A person with poor credit is usually charged more for their auto insurance policies than someone with excellent credit.


When you're looking to determine how much auto insurance you need, it's important to take all of these factors into account. It's equally as important that you purchase an auto insurance policy at a fair price; the last thing you want is to pay more than necessary for your auto insurance. In order to find out how much you should be paying, you can get a free quote online or even speak with an insurance agent about coverage options available for your vehicle. These are both great ways in which you can make sure that you're getting the most for your money when purchasing an auto insurance policy.

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