What You May Not Know About Automobile Insurance


 What You May Not Know About Automobile Insurance

Imagine the feeling of driving your car up to a toll booth and seeing a sign that says, “EZ Pass not accepted.” And then it dawns on you that you forgot to bring your wallet. The sinking feeling in your stomach is not just for lack of cash, but for the realization that you won’t be able to drive home.

It’s essential that you have auto insurance coverage before hitting the road. Not only will it protect your car against damage or theft, it may also cover medical expenses and loss wages in the event of an accident.

Here are some things that you may not know about automobile insurance:

The law requires that drivers carry auto insurance to ensure that they are financially responsible for any damage or injury caused as a result of an accident. If you are caught without car insurance and you’re in an accident, in addition to paying for the cost of your accident, you could be charged with a crime.

You may be able to reduce your auto insurance premium by agreeing to pay out-of-pocket on certain collision and comprehensive claims. Some insurers will offer discounts for drivers, who agree to make their own repairs. Others will provide incentives, such as loyalty discounts or even an insurance premium reduction if the driver takes a defensive driving course.

Some insurance companies offer discounts for drivers who use their cars less often or who drive older vehicles. If your car is old, consider switching to a low-mileage discount plan. If you don’t use your car often, look for a plan that rewards infrequent drivers with lower premiums. Just make sure you understand what discounts are available and how they will affect the cost of your policy before you decide to buy auto insurance coverage.

If your auto insurance does not cover the damages or injuries from an accident and you are sued for medical expenses or lost wages, it is possible that you could lose your house and other assets by being forced to pay damages out of pocket. Consider buying a higher deductible or purchasing a separate insurance policy that will cover all damages.

It is important to remember that your driving record is considered an extension of your credit rating. If you have an outstanding debt, such as child support obligations, credit card payments or tax liabilities, you absolutely should not drive. You could face criminal charges and fines for not carrying auto insurance.

Car accidents are not always the result of reckless, irresponsible driving on the part of the driver. It’s important to remember that many times car accidents are totally unavoidable and in no way the fault of the driver. When the other driver is held liable in a car accident, the family of the victim may be forced to deal with additional financial burdens such as lost wages and medical expenses. If you are involved in a car accident, consult an experienced lawyer who can help you determine your rights under state law as well as under your policy contract.

New drivers are especially vulnerable because they lack experience and knowledge about driving requirements. It is important to have insurance that covers uninsured and underinsured motorists, plus complete coverage for collision, comprehensive and medical coverage. Consider buying a policy that provides some flexibility for adding liability coverage in cases where this type of damage is not included or offered by other companies.

When you buy car insurance, ask if coverage is available for young and inexperienced drivers. Ask about discounts or other benefits that may apply to this age group. A good rule is to not charge more than 25 percent above the going rate for a single policy without a teen driver benefits policy.

If you want to add coverage for damage caused by a smoker who smokes in the car, keep in mind that smokers will be charged higher rates. In addition, some insurers won’t cover smokers if they are younger than 21 years old because of their lack of driving experience. Ask your agent about your options before purchasing additional coverage for smokers.

If you have been in an accident that was not your fault, and you don’t have adequate insurance coverage to cover the damages, contact a lawyer as soon as possible. You may be able to negotiate a settlement with the other party if you work out an agreement about what is owed. While self-help can often lead to difficult situations, it is often better than going to court because of the lack of information about your rights.

By: Tracy L. Cyphers
Editor-in-Chief @ http://www.autoinsuranceforall.net/

All content contained in this article is owned by http://www.autoinsuranceforall.net/ and can be used for any purpose without prior permission from http://www.autoinsuranceforall.net/ or the author. If you have any questions or run into problems with the website, please contact the webmaster at [LAST NAME]@autoinsuranceforall.net .
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Author of: http://www.AutoInsuranceForAll.Net and http://www.AutoInsuranceForAll.Org , http://www.car-insurance-for-teens-tips-and-information.com . Editor of: http://www.onlineautoinsuranceratesdiyinfo.com and http://www.howtoretireearly.info , http://www.insure-a-car-an-online-car-insurance-guide.com , http://www.carinsurancequotesguide24hrs.com , http://www.onlineautoinsurancequotesdiyinfo.com and www.cheapfullcoverageautocarinsuranceinfo.com .

Informational websites authored by Tracy Cyphers:
Informational websites edited by Tracy Cyphers:
Not directly authored by Tracy Cyphers, but helped with editing or content: 
Online information portals developed by Tracy Cyphers:

Auto insurance quotes: www.cheapcarinsurancequotes.info
Online Auto Insurance Quotes: (www.cheapcarinsurancequotes.org)
Car Insurance: http://www.howtoretireandsavemoney.info
Car Insurance: http://www.carinsuranceforteensbytheseason.


I hope this book has been helpful and that it has provided you with the information you are looking for, if any. If you remember anything from this book, I would like it to be that the price of Auto Insurance is the most important aspect of any policy and should not be overlooked. Also, knowing the advantages and disadvantages of a particular policy is very helpful in making an educated decision that is right for you.
The information in this book was obtained from many sources including credible government agencies, insurance companies themselves and various authoritative websites. However, if there are any errors or omissions, please feel free to contact me at [LAST NAME]@autoinsuranceforall.net .

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