Working At Home Is Great, But Requires Discipline
If you're considering working from home, there are many pluses to being at home. You can work when you want, where you want and create your own schedule. There's no boss standing over your shoulder telling you what to do or how to do it. However, a job at home still requires discipline and following a routine so that the days don't blur together into one long slog without any meaning or purpose.
The article goes on to talk about some of these challenges while also highlighting the benefits of working from home in regards to being able to care for yourself as well as your family members who may not be able inhabit daily society with ease.
The article ends with the following message:
"We've all been there. You're supposed to be working on your book, but you're sitting at home watching a boring movie instead. When you finally catch up on your reading and promise yourself that today and tomorrow will be totally different, you push through another day of nothingness and realize you're right back where you started from. Bummer."
Hopefully this opened your eyes to the many benefits that working from home can have on a person's life, whether or not they are in need of that income. Working from home will allow you to care for yourself as well as those who depend on you every day if needed.
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Working At A Home Is Great, But Requires Discipline
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Free Ebook Reveals How You Can Make $500 - $1000 Blogging From Home In Just One Week! Click here to learn more... *******
As you may or may not know, we are going to be launching a new membership site and blogging course very soon. Since we've been blogging since 2007 and wrote our first ebook in 2008, we've learned a lot about what works and what doesn't when it comes to monetizing a blog. We are finally ready to share our knowledge with you. You can find out more about the course by clicking here....
Is Your Blog Ready For Primetime? Find Out...
If you want to learn how to grow your blog, build traffic and increase your income from it, then you need to check out this FREE course...
Blogger's Toolbox Classroom is a completely free training program for bloggers and anyone else looking to start a blog. The class is taught by over a dozen experts including myself and my wife Michelle Schroeder-Gardner (who has been blogging for over 6 years). Over the past year we have all come together to create this comprehensive training program, which includes lessons on everything from finding the right niche for your blog, to making money from it.
The course is incredible because it shows you all of the things that you need to know in order to be successful and earn money blogging. The processes are broken down into easy to follow lessons with videos, documents and worksheets that will walk you through it step-by-step. You will also have full access to the class forum, which is where we go to discuss anything from blogging business ideas to writing tips (among other things). In addition the class forum contains a post submission help section and a Q&A section for students who have any questions or concerns.
If you want more information about the course, please click here... Blogger's Toolbox Classroom
Disclosure Notice: We may be compensated when you click on links posted on our blog. We do not give any personal information to the companies whose products or services we write about, nor do we receive any financial incentives from them. The only purpose of including their products and services within this website is to educate our readers about them. We are independently owned and the opinions expressed here are our own. Thank you for your support! Disclosure Policy
About Michelle Schroeder-Gardner
Michelle is a work at home mom with a passion for helping spread the word about working at home opportunities. Her goal is to help educate individuals with informative, easy to use resources (such as reviews and content) so that they can make their own decision about whether or not working at home is right for them. You can follow her on Google+
home business, blog, careers at home, work at home opportunities, work from home jobs, work from home mom
Our community seems to be full of people who are considering starting blogs that they intend on monetizing in some way. I think a lot of people see my blog and may not know that I am the owner (I'm listed as the author), but don't realize that Michelle is also a blogger here and that we are both bloggers in real life. We do have a couple of blogs that are owned and operated by other people, but I don't think they realize who else runs Blogger's Toolbox (BTB) Community.So lately I've gotten several questions about how to monetize a free blog or if anyone makes any real money blogging at all. I'd like to take some time today to address these questions because I think it's important for people to be realistic about the possibilities of making money online or blogging for charity.There are bloggers out there who make a full-time living from their blogs, but they are few and far between. Most bloggers who make money online do so through their websites or through products that they sell on their blogs . I would LOVE to say that you can make money blogging by posting ads, but I simply don't believe that it is possible. I mean, it's not impossible, but in my opinion it requires a lot of traffic and an enormous amount of time to not make any money doing so. It would be better to try and get your own products or website where you are the one profiting off the ads. When building an online business, the key is to diversify your income stream so you're never depending on just one thing for all of your money.One blogger who does this is Michelle Schroeder-Gardner (ohmyvolcano). She makes a living by writing her blog full-time and writes for many different websites .
The good news is that you do not have to make a large influx of money from your blog in order for it to be worthwhile. Like I mentioned before, I would rather have all of my income coming from either monetized ads or other products than just ads at this point. That being said, it is SO possible to make decent money blogging and if you do the right things, then you can definitely make more than if you were working in an office job.
Where To Start
Okay everybody, that's all the content that I had time for today! If you want to read more about blogging and how to make money from your blog, check out our blog posts for more information.