Wow ! Frank Thomas Rules !


 Wow ! Frank Thomas Rules !

Hi! My name is Frank Thomas and I am here to show you how I achieved my goals.

I have a lot to share with you so let's get started.

I am going to share my story with you, including the most important tools and strategies that helped me create a life of abundance, happiness, and freedom. You are about to learn some of the most powerful means for achieving your own dreams.

I have decided to teach you so that you can be more aware and build a financial legacy of people that will make you proud.

I am the founder of my own company, which is called The Financial Economist, and I am a multi-millionaire as well. I wanted to reach out to other people who are struggling to find their way through the darkness. The truth is, there are many people who are in poverty and don't know how they will ever get out of debt or create wealth in their lives. This is why I created The Financial Economist LLC Inc., to help those in need of information about the power of positive thinking and personal finance. Now I'm going to share my experiences with you, so that you can learn more about how to make your dreams come true.

I encourage you to read the following pages carefully, because what I have created for your life will change everything. This process will unlock the doors to strength, wealth and power that lay within each of us. Through my education and personal experience, I have learned how to achieve success in any area of your life, if it is financial success or something greater such as love, joy or purpose. You don't need special skills or talents in order for this information to work for you; all that is necessary is a willingness to receive it.

I am going to share with you the most important things that I wish I knew when I was younger. These simple principles can be used to improve your life now, in any area of your life. The truth is, you don't need to fail at a job that doesn't matter at all. You don't need to let other people make you feel as if it's impossible for you too achieve your goals. This information can be used to improve all aspects of your life and anyone who is willing to share this message will get financial prosperity and happiness as well. This is a truly revolutionary approach to improving your finances and I want you to know that you can do it too. Your dreams don't have to be limited by the lack of information you have.

I was brought up in a working-class environment, in small-town Ohio. A family of 7 children, including myself, had to figure out how we were going get through the day with no food and no money. We needed all of us to work as many hours as possible just so we could survive some days. Even though we weren't a wealthy family, my parents never went without food or anything else for that matter. There was always food on the tables and a roof over our heads.

My dad was a mechanic, who couldn't make enough money to really provide for the family. My mom, however, worked hard in the kitchen and took care of her children. She cooked all of our meals from scratch and we were never without something to eat. She even made sure that we always had clean clothes and plenty of nice things. We were poor but we were happy. It taught me about the value of money and how hard work really does pay off over time. My parents taught me how to work hard, but they also learned the importance of spending quality time with your family.

My dad was always taking us on trips and would take us fishing or camping. He did many different things with us, besides just working. He was a mechanic, but he wasn't stuck in his job. I mean, my dad was always working on something; whether it was cars or houses he could fix anything.

I remember one time we were sitting at the dinner table and my dad pointed out that a cross beam on our garage door had cracked in half; it almost hit the car when it closed. My dad took one tool at a time to fix it as he talked to us about what the right and wrong ways were to fix it. The whole time while he was working on the garage door, my mom fixed something else around the house. I can still remember all of us sitting at the table enjoying our meal and we were laughing and taking part in family conversation.

My parents' values taught me that it's better to work hard and save money if you have a goal that you want to achieve in your life; not only will you be able to save money but you will also see some great things come from hard work. In the end, you will be able to achieve a level of financial security that you may not have thought was possible.

How did my dad get us out of this financial situation? All he needed to do was realize his goal; to sell houses. My dad worked hard while everyone else was lounging around watching TV. He left the house early everyday, sometimes as early as 4:30 or 5 in the morning, and would complete multiple houses a day in order to make a decent living for his family. He realized that he could sell any house that he could fix and knew how to fix all of them properly too. He was able to really help our family out of this pickle, and once he realized his dream he was able to provide better for his family.

I encourage you to make an effort to gain financial abilities that will make you happy while also helping others; it is such a great feeling to be able to provide for your loved ones, as well as yourself. There is nothing better than knowing that you have something that you can contribute in your life and that at the end of the day, somebody else has benefited from what you have done with your time.


Since these discoveries, I have learned that other people want to feel happy in their lives. It's impossible not to be happy when you are creating wealth for yourself and others, which is exactly what I think that we should all be doing every day. We should never let ourselves go financially, knowing full well that if we do the results will come back tenfold.

I am extremely proud of the fact that you are reading this book and excited to learn about the exciting things that lay ahead for you too as you get started with positive thinking and financial abundance. In the end, it will lead to a higher standard of living, true prosperity and happiness for yourself and all who surround you.

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