Yahoo Acquires Popular Behavioral Ad Firm


 Yahoo Acquires Popular Behavioral Ad Firm

According to a Yahoo spokesperson, Yahoo let go of four employees who were contractually obligated to the acquired company in order to make room for Yahoo's team new leadership.

On Tuesday, June 10th, 2017, speculation regarding whether or not Yahoo would be able to find replacements for the employees has been answered. The popular behavioral advertising company called Blue Lithium Co., founded by Dr. Ullapool Kartha and his wife Umurhan Ullapool in 2016. The firm primarily focused on search engine optimization that allowed them to provide clients with targeted ads through websites and apps that matched their preferences based on user behavior rather than just demographics or fleeting information such as phone numbers.

Dr. Kartha said that he will now be the Vice President of Analytics, reporting directly to Tim Cadogan, who is the new vice president of data and advertising. Kartha also promised Yahoo's audience in a company statement that "We are here to stay." He also promised long-term value for the company to its consumers as well as providers.

With the acquisition from Yahoo, Kartha said that "This was not something we just did for ourselves but for our team and for all of you who are our partners in building this incredible business. We're thrilled that together we will build an even stronger community and bring more value to all of you. Also, we're thrilled that we'll get to work with the Yahoo team. They have the biggest and best audience out there – and their technology is second to none."

In a statement Dr. Kartha remarked "We will continue to provide our services for Yahoo which are very much aligned with our mission," he continued "I am very excited to be working with Yahoo's people who have been really great partners for us over the past year, but also with the whole new management team. I look forward to working closely with them over the next few months while they complete their plans going forward."

The acquisition of Blue Lithium Co. is a stunning vision for Yahoo and the entire tech industry. As digital marketing grows more and more popular, it seems more and more like advertising is a subject that becomes almost too expensive for internet companies. The trend of mobile users primarily being young has been short-lived as the digital landscape continues to develop. Consequently, it is especially important for companies to not only have their websites relevant to the needs of their audience but also in order to provide them with tools that make advertising revenue easier.

The concept of behavioral targeting in ad language allowing companies to target users based on their previous choices and habits improves the chances of success for businesses on many different levels. In order for businesses to grow, it is important to be able to convince potential consumers that their products or services are capable of providing what is desired, which is why advertisers need an audience that is not only knowledgeable but experienced.

Yahoo has become infamous for its inability or unwillingness to continue on the path of the digital market. In 2014, Yahoo had been facing a series of issues with its digital platform that required urgent attention. In an effort to resolve these issues, Yahoo hired Tim Cadogan in 2015 as their new chief data officer who also became one of the primary points of contact between new CEO Marissa Mayer and Dr. Kartha.

The time that Yahoo took to make this acquisition is indicative of their level of conviction in the future of behavioral advertising. It is a true testament to the type of values and integrity that Yahoo was looking to restore as well as simply being able to provide a revenue stream for their company. Dr. Kartha's vision, along with his devotion to this concept, shows that it is not only logical but an evolution in marketing and advertising, and Yahoo has now made good on its promise.

Hopefully, the acquisition of Blue Lithium Co. will not only be an indicator that Yahoo has learned from their mistakes but will help to provide the company with an opportunity for a rare second life.

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