You Don't Have To Quit Your Job - To Be Your Own Boss


 You Don't Have To Quit Your Job - To Be Your Own Boss

You don't have to quit your job - you can be your own boss!

Many people think they need to quit their jobs in order to have the time and resources for entrepreneurship. But that's not necessarily true. You can do it on the side, work from home and make more money while still having a full time job. Or maybe you want to start with a business idea that doesn't need much funding or office space? All this and more is possible as an entrepreneur. It's a great feeling to be your own boss. You can set your own hours, and dress however you want!

Here are the top 5 things you need to know about side hustling:

1. It's basically starting a part-time business. It doesn't matter how much time you devote to it, it's still a business like any other - so treat it like one! Get a plan for each week in terms of how you're going to spend your time on it. And just like any other business, start small, test the idea and then scale up from there if it works out well.

2. You can do it anywhere. As long as there's an internet connection, you can work out of your house and still set up a business - or just work from home on the side. You just need to be able to focus, get things done and have people in place that can help with running the business.

3. It's not about quitting your job, it's about re-imagining what you want out of your career. Being an entrepreneur doesn't mean you have to give up your job completely. It's possible to do both! Your extra time could even turn into more money if you build enough value for people through your service or products (this is where affiliate marketing comes in).

4. People can make a lot of money doing it. I've seen people make over $1 million in just a few years selling online courses or ebooks. There are also lots of surveys out there that you can do in exchange for some cash, which is another great way to generate some extra income while being your own boss.

5. It's not about giving up on your old job - it's about managing your time in a new way. Most side hustles aren't built overnight, and I can't tell you how many times I've heard people say "I'm quitting my job and starting my own business!" Then two weeks later saying "OK, I've quit my job now... what do I do?" They never had a plan for what they were going to do with their new found time, so they didn't know what to do with themselves.

When you have a side hustle, it's all about re-imagining the way you manage your time. Instead of just waiting in line at your job all day, now you've got things to do outside of that. This might just give you the inspiration and motivation you need to make changes in your career and go after something bigger in your life than you could ever imagine.

It's a great feeling to be your own boss. You can set your own hours, and dress however you want!

Title: A Great Side Hustle Is Like a Secret Garden - Where You Are Your Own Master
"I have built a secret garden for myself that I go to when I need time off of my regular life. That's where I put all my energy because it is entirely mine- no one else will be there to judge." - Karyn Young of Nomadic Thinker
One of the most beautiful things about side hustling is that it really allows us to find new ways to connect with our true passions and be creative in our free time.
But sometimes it can be hard to find time for this work. So we have to learn how to plant our gardens in small spaces as well!
One of my favorite side hustles is teaching a yoga class here and there - but I am only able to do this if I have time in the evenings after work or on the weekend. I set up my own 'mini-garden' by renting space from a local studio that has offered me discounted rates because they know I am a hardworking entrepreneur who really cares about nurturing her community.
I love yoga, and I feel incredibly grateful that I can do it whenever I want. Having this space gives me the motivation to work hard because it is really gratifying to be able to teach something that I love so much.
We all have these secret gardens - places inside ourselves where we can go and do what we need to simply by doing one thing - in my case, teaching yoga.
Title: 20 Signs You're a Great Entrepreneur (Even If You Don't Want To Be One)
It's not about putting on your entrepreneur hats with everyone else on the team or opening up your own business. It's about doing what you do in your everyday life a little differently.
Sign #1: You Can't Stand Just Working a 9 to 5 Job
As an entrepreneur, you'll never be happy working just a normal job that gives you no freedom and is boring as hell. You want the opportunity to show off your skills and be creative, not just sit behind a desk for eight hours straight. This kind of thinking tells everyone that you're looking for something more than the average job.
If you can't imagine yourself working as a 9 to 5 person for your entire life, then you're pretty much a born entrepreneur.
If you can't stand just working in a 9 to 5 gig, then it's time to realize that there's more than one way to make money and doing what you love is an important part of it.
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 "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." ~ Dr. Seuss
It's not about quitting your job - it's about re-imagining what you want out of your career.

It's a great feeling to be your own boss. You can set your own hours, and dress however you want! A great side hustle is like a secret garden - where you are your own master.
I hope this list of 10 ideas helps you to take the first step in starting your own side hustle business! There are many more ideas out there - it's just a matter of finding the right one for you.
If you have an awesome idea, please share it in the comments below! I would love to hear what your big ideas are and how others can help make them happen. ~ Michael Dinich (Mike D.

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