You'll Suck a Billion Dollar Well Dry!


 You'll Suck a Billion Dollar Well Dry!

If you're a natural born leader, there are ways to eventually make a billion dollars. The key is to start small; because the way up is often paved with many difficult years of struggle and hard work. For example, Barry Diller started out as a theater usher; Ted Turner was once fired from his job as news anchor for making an anti-American comment; and Oprah Winfrey was fired from her first TV reporting gig when she literally forgot what side of the camera she should go out on.

Some of the most successful entertainers in the world started out as entertainers; Michael Jackson grew up on stage. While there are exceptions to every rule, the fact is that most people who make a billion dollars started out as entertainers; so it stands to reason that if you want to be a billionaire, you'd better start out small. Here are 6 steps that anyone can follow who wants to become a billion dollar entrepreneur:
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1) Get yourself fired from your current job.

If your business is built around you, then you probably have the potential to make a billion dollars. There are many billionaires who have done this, and the first thing that you should do is get fired from your current job. Alternatively, if you're working for someone else, quit your job and start a business based around yourself. If it works out well, then one day in the future you will be able to buy your old boss or company out!
2) Get a bunch of people together who are as stupid as possible

You need a group of people who believe in what you're doing in order to make a billion dollars. The problem with the American system of education is that anyone who has the potential to be a billionaire is probably already married, so this method of making money is often thwarted. However, if you're able to find a group of stupid people and get them to invest into your business idea, they will have no idea what they've done because you just make it up as you go along. For this reason, the trick is to make sure that you choose stupid people with sizable amounts of wealth; because they will be more susceptible to losing what little money they might have invested into your scheme.
3) Find an industry in which nobody else wants to compete

You can't win if no one else wants to compete against you. For example, Warren Buffett was able to make a billion dollars in banking because he found an industry that he knew very little about. Since he didn't know much about it, he made up his own rules of engagement. Eventually, the other people working in that same industry figured out what Buffett was doing; but by that time it was too late for them. The moral of this story is that if you want to make a billion dollars you should figure out how to do something completely new; otherwise someone else is eventually going to figure out what you're up to.
4) Be a show-off

The most important characteristic of billionaire entrepreneurs is that they are not humble. They will brag about their accomplishments in order to get people to invest in their businesses. It's important that you have an ego as big as all outdoors, because this will inspire the people around you to try and beat you. Interestingly enough, Warren Buffett is a confirmed atheist with a very small amount of faith; and yet he has made more than $100 billion from stock investments alone.
5) Be lucky

It's important that you make your luck; otherwise no one will care what you got up to, and then you'll be "just another entrepreneur". For example, Oprah Winfrey had the good fortune of being born a black woman in rural Mississippi at a time that racism and sexism were still very rampant in America. She was also able to become close friends with one of the richest men in the world, and later on she was able to get married to this guy. If she'd been a white male, then she never would have made it; because racism and sexism would still be preventing her from getting ahead. For this reason, you should work hard at making your opportunities.
6) Brag about what you've accomplished

Because you're going to make billions of dollars, it stands to reason that you should brag about your accomplishments. If you're not bragging about something, then you don't have anything to brag about. For example, Oprah Winfrey was able to make a billion dollars by telling the world about how she grew up in abject poverty and became the queen of her industry.
7) Be prepared for failure

Chances are that you're not going to be successful when you first try this method; because this is hard work, and it requires a lot of luck too. However, if you're patient enough to stick with it long enough, then there's a good chance that one day your efforts will pay off. Take, for example, Bill Gates of Microsoft fame; he had a lot of ideas that didn't work out, such as the MS-DOS and the Windows operating systems. In fact, he even made a few billion dollars with these failures; and his failures inspired many other people to try and become billionaires by trying to take down Microsoft!
8) Don't get discouraged

Most start-up billionaires are broke more than they're rich. For example, Oprah Winfrey struggled for years before her fame took off. Many other billionaires have had similar struggles (e.g., Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team); but these people all persevered through their hardship and eventually became successful.
9) Be optimistic

Particularly in the United States, people tend to become billionaires because they get it into their heads that they're "going to make it one day". Barack Obama has made a billion dollars by telling the American people, "Yes we can!" For this reason, you should be optimistic about what you will accomplish in life.
10) Receive a large inheritance

If you're the child of a billionaire then there's a good chance that your parents will leave you an inheritance. The trick is to be born into an extremely rich family, and then spend as little money as possible until your parent dies. At that point, you will have a billion dollars; so you can use this money to start up your own company.
11) Make people think that you're smart

In order for people to believe that you're smart, then what they perceive as being "smart" must be in existence. For example, Mark Zuckerberg is the founder of Facebook; because he convinced the American public that social networking sites were a good idea. You should work hard at "hacking" the systems in life for people to believe that you're smart; and if you don't succeed then just invent something else.


If you're the owner of a little internet forum and you're wondering whether or not it's possible to make a billion dollars, then perhaps this information will benefit you. You see, if you're smart enough to come up with a way to appeal to stupid people, then this is very much possible. If you can convince the public that they want to invest in your idea even though they don't understand what it is, then there's a good chance that one day you will be considered "smart" by these same people.

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