Your Business Plan Will Become Your Partner

 Your Business Plan Will Become Your Partner

The first step in starting a business is writing a business plan. The plan is the foundation for establishing your company and can be used to guide future decisions, answer questions from investors, and even attract employees.

A good business plan will save you time, money, and heartache; it's worth the effort to take the time to do it right. Below are some pointers on how to write an effective one: 

Create Your Prototype - Make sure your prototype looks professional, complete with images and illustrations that will make it stand out from the competition. 
Write A One Page Outline - This should be as succinct as possible because you don't want to overwhelm yourself or your reader with too much information up front. The outline will give you a roadmap for your business plan, helping you organize and focus on what's important. 
Write The Body Of Your Plan - This is where you give the details of your business, from the overall concept to operational specifics. You'll want to cover who, what, where and why. 
Write A Conclusion - Try to summarize the main points while leaving a little wiggle room for an executive summary in your final copy. Your conclusion should offer a summary of your business plan's major strengths and competitive advantages over similar businesses. 
Proofread And Edit - Proofread and edit again before sending it to anyone else or publishing it online. You want your business plan to be accessible and understandable. 
Write A Business Plan Notation - Just like a resume, your business plan should contain bullet points that serve as a quick reference when you're writing future versions. This is also an opportunity to give extra information about who you are and what makes your venture unique.
Incorporate Your Rating System - The rating system will not only provide a method for evaluating the company but will also highlight your initial points of contact 
The Importance of Giving Back  - Start-ups need support from the community as well as investors and partners. A simple way to do this is through charity contributions. When you give back, even if it's only a small amount, you're making connections and showing that you're a decent person.

Businesses rely on partnerships to succeed, so act like an adult and make the right connections. Do some research to find people who are interested in what you have to offer and make yourself available to answer questions. If your business is part of a growing industry, make connections with other businesses in the same field and find out how they've worked around obstacles or run into problems with the law.
Business Plan Writing  - A Quality Business Plan Can Make You Stand Out From The Competition
Tips for better business plan writing -

Types of Business Plans  - When You Need a Business Plan -

 - What Is The Purpose Of A Business Plan, Anyway? -

Equity Financing  – Capital Raising for Small and Growing Businesses

Secured Loans  – Learn About Secured Loans And Get a Loan Quote

Factoring  – Understand Factoring and Get A Factoring Quote

Business Plan Development  - A Quality Business Plan Can Make You Stand Out From The Competition

Small Business Finance  - Small Business Finance Made Easy

​On April 6, 2008, "The Washington Post" reported on a new tool to help business owners with the process of writing a business plan: New Tool Helps You Write a Moneymaking Plan .

The "Financial Times" reported on a new tool to help business owners with the process of writing a business plan:

Reader's Digest featured an article on how one woman used the internet to write a business plan, raise capital, and start her company:<br><br><br><br> .com /library /

https://web .archive .org/web/20100812082343/http://www3.efinancialeducation .com /library /<br>

https://web.archive .org/web/20101022005727 /http:/ 3.efinancialeducation .com%2Flibrary %2Fsecuredloans.html

https://web .archive .org/web/20110120222530 /http:/ smallbusinessplanet.


First and foremost, a business plan is a proposal for financing. This is a way to convince lenders that you are more likely than other applicants to run the business successfully. A good business plan will include an executive summary, the company's mission statement or words about how the company will make money, and a presentation and discussion of all statements in other parts of the document.

http://www3 .efinancialeducation .com/library/

http://smallbusinessplanet .net:80/?page_id=2<br><br>


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