Your house can sell quickly through Estate Agents


 Your house can sell quickly through Estate Agents

The problem with the estate agents is that your house might not sell. The houses you are finding for sale at an estate agent may have a long list of things wrong with them, from the basic to the unbelievable.

But don't despair yet, because there are alternatives to estate agents that can give you a much better chance of selling your house quickly and easily than other options. There are highly rated estate agencies in this country who specialise in selling exclusive properties without any hassle and also without charges for services or fees to pay.

You should look for the estate agencies which have the most positive feedback from other clients. Your house will need to be in one of the main areas where there are many estates agents, or near one of them so that you can easily contact them. You should check out the cost for advertising and the rates to see if it is less than previous guide rates.

For any property that is not a new build, then selling your property using an estate agent is always recommended. At a fixed price you can list your house and let an agent decide whether it's worth selling to somebody else, or paying out commission again to increase its value.

If the house has long term value, the agent may find that it is not worth selling at a low price. If it has no year to sell in then it will be difficult for the seller to earn any money from the home, especially if the true market value is at first estimate. They would have to sell it under a different name and hope that someone would pay a higher price for it than they paid initially. This could cost them a lot of money and put them in danger of losing their property through overpayment.

It's always wise to consult with an estate agent before listing your home with any other company. They will have access to the most up to date sales figures, and they may be able to help you find a way of selling your property and saving you money.

If you are thinking of selling your house and you want it to sell quickly then use an estate agent, or better still use an exclusive property agent who knows about buying or selling homes. They will handle all the hassle for you and advertise your property so that it reaches the widest audience possible, on line as well as in printed media.

You can easily contact them if there are any problems with any aspect of the sale, from asking for more advertising or finding out how long it might take before your home is sold.

Good agencies will place your house on the Internet to maximise visibility and attract more buyers. They can also help you with other services, such as setting up a presentation of your property online to show off its best features.

They will be able to provide all the support that you need, from showing you how to furnish and decorate the house in an effective way, through to helping with any other details that may be needed before it is sold. As long as they have all of this information about your home then they can easily advertise it so that it reaches the widest audience possible.

An exclusive agency has been established by a family member or friend who has been in this industry for many years. They have been experts in their field and they are always willing to go the extra mile to help you. They know how important it is for you to be able to sell your home at the best price possible, so they will work hard for you to do just that.

If they have a policy of "no commission charged" then they won't charge you for any service or advice that we give. We will be friendly, professional and efficient at all times and we will supply you with all the information that you need about selling your house.

We may even be able to provide some advice about how best to sell it yourself. But we will always tell you if it is better to sell your house using an estate agent, or another service. Our aim is to be to make sure that your house sells quickly without overpaying so that you can receive the highest possible price for it.

If you are currently registered with an estate agent then we would always recommend that you contact them first. But we would urge you to contact us as well because we may be able to provide a better deal for your property and save you money in the process.

Whether you decide to sell your property through an estate agent or through us, our agent will make sure that all costs are covered and that you only have to pay one set price for the services that we will provide.

To find out more about our services, please contact us using the contact form below - for further details please see the advertising section. Your Name (required) E-Mail (required) Phone Number (required) Message


Title: Estate Agents won't allow you to put in a second offer? [ARTICLE START] By Phil CottonMy local Estate Agent - who also happens to be my neighbor - is currently dealing with three homes which I fancy. Unfortunately, all three of these homes are under offer but they are not yet sold and I will be happy to make a second offer on one or more of them.However, the Estate Agent has said to me this week that I would not be allowed to make a second offer as the owner would probably have placed a "lock up" period on the house which means that no offers can be made for a set period of time.The Estate Agents might also say that if another offer is made for the same house then, if they still do not match this amount, then all offers will be rejected. This seems quite unfair to me, but they will not explain why this second offer would be rejected - they just say that it is their policy and I am at a loss to understand this point.I have also spoken to the local Valuer who has told me that the "lock up period" is not actually a legal requirement. As far as he is concerned, valuing your home doesn't depend on whether or not you bought it privately or through an Estate Agent. So, if I want to buy one of these three homes but I'm still in the market for another property I can always make two offers instead of one. So why is the estate agent refusing to let me make a second offer?What should I do?It took me several years of hard work to pay off my old mortgage. I thought that when I paid it off, I would be able to get a decent interest rate on a new deal. But the minute my old loan was paid off, it seems that all interest rates shot up... and they have stayed high ever since!I am beginning to think that it just isn't worth paying so much of my income in interest. I also read an article recently which said that by taking out equity release you can use your home's equity as extra cash, instead of your savings.


I would really like to get back in the market for a nice little two up two down. But I still don't have quite enough to purchase one, so I'm hoping that at some stage I may be able to make a good enough deal on one of these houses for it to be worth my while my putting down a deposit. If that happens, and if the interest rates stay high then I won't really have any option but to sell my current home and buy one of these three which are not yet sold.

If I can make two offers instead of one then they might all sell at the same time making it easier for me to get back in the market.

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