Your Internet Business: How to Succeed Where Others Fail


 Your Internet Business: How to Succeed Where Others Fail

Would you like to see how others have used the internet to their advantage? This post is for you! Today, we'll go through just a fraction of the ways that people use the internet to make money and create successful businesses. I hope you find it informative!

The first type of business we'll explore are those found on a website like e-bay or Amazon. Such an enterprise relies heavily on branding and how well they advertise their deals. The second type is when people sell through sites more niche than Amazon or e-bay, such as Etsy, Shopify, or eBay Motors. These sites have their own rules and regulations but all in all are much easier than running your own site from scratch.

"To make money, sometimes you have to be good at what you do."

-Andrew W.K.

These are certain ways that people use the Internet to create business success and make money:

1) MAKING A VIDEO – This is probably one of the easiest ways to start making a profit from your online venture. You can easily put together a how-to video (or series of videos) and sift through the likes and dislikes on YouTube or other sites like Vimeo or Dailymotion to get started. This is also good for marketing purposes but doesn't really generate any real income unless done well and shown off on other websites through embedding.

2) A WEBSITE – You may have heard about sites like Etsy, and yeah, there's a bit of luck involved in being successful with that kind of site. But if you can be lucky enough to get a good following, it's easy enough to market your merchandise on sites like Instagram and Facebook. Sites like Etsy are good for selling unique products such as jewellery or arts and crafts.

Ebay is great for selling new or older items, with some rare exceptions. Some people have been selling the same item on Ebay since it first opened up in 1995! Ebay has two categories of sales (and many different sub-categories): 'Buy It Now' (BIN) and 'Auction. Auction selling is especially useful for people who have an object that really doesn't have a set price. For example, if someone wanted to sell a one of a kind painting made by an artist in the 1800s or even the 2000s; it's likely impossible to put a price on it. Ebay Auctions are also good for franchise owners who want to sell their exclusivity.

3) PODCASTS – Podcasting is becoming more and more popular by the year and people from all over the world are creating shows on topics they're passionate about, whether it's politics or anything else that sparks interest.

4) VIRTUAL ASSISTANTS – There are a lot of virtual assistants out there, but we'll discuss two common ones. One is the VA that responds to emails for you, scans for spam and puts them in their own separate folders, etc. This is a good way to use your computer experience to your advantage. The other type of virtual assistant is one that actually does work for businesses and replies to customer requests on behalf of the company; this requires an advanced degree however and should be discussed with your superiors before accepting the position.

5) PAYPAL -– This can be used as a buyer or seller. Buyers and sellers who don't want or need to go through a middleman will usually use PayPal. Buyers can send and receive money through PayPal and pay with a Visa or Mastercard, whereas sellers are automatically paid with PayPal's V.A.T. program. This is good for people selling their own items as well as buying items from other users on the same site. This is especially useful for crafters (consultants) and independent vendors that sell their own goods on sites like Etsy or eBay (see an example of me being an independent seller here).

6) PODCASTING – Another form of internet-based entrepreneurship is podcasting, which relies more on audio skills than video skills, although they are related. An audio podcast is not only a great form of marketing but can also serve as an educational tool for people who need/want to learn more about a topic. 

7) CAKE CRUSHING – This is one of my favorite ways to make money on the internet. On Pinterest, users post pictures of all types of different things in the hope that other users will like their picture and follow them. All you have to do is pin images and photos (good or bad) with the hopes that someone will follow you. You can then earn points by commenting on the pinned images, liking them, or re-pinning them again. It can take time before you begin earning points (and eventually you'll have to pay to unlock more features).

8) FACEBOOKMARKETING – Facebook is a great place to advertise your business and make money. You can list products on there in order to find customers and use groups people are already in so they are more likely to buy from you. Some of these groups are for specific topics that need answering or promoting. For example, a group might be for people who are trying to lose weight and they will all be looking for advice on improving their diet and exercise schedule. They could turn to you as the expert in the group for further help with either of these two topics.

9) LINKS – Websites like Reddit allow you, as a user, to post links or images (on their own site) or comment on another person's post. This is a good way to get your name out in front of other people, although it takes time before you see any real results from this method. If you're posting links on Reddit, don't overdo it and try to get a lot of views/upvotes. One or two links should be enough to start with.

There's probably a lot more ways to make money online but these are just a few ideas I could come up with for this post.


If you have an idea for a business or are just interested in entrepreneurship, there are plenty of ways to make money online. I just wanted to give a few examples of how you can start making some extra income from your computer experience. There are many opportunities out there and hopefully this post will help you increase your chances of success. If you know any other ways to make money online, please share them with us!


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