Your Template For A Winning Sales Letter


 Your Template For A Winning Sales Letter

This is the letter that a business owner might use to pitch their product. I hope this helps!

Dear _____,

If you're interested in _____, please allow me to tell you more. You're going to love these features: _____. _____. You'll get results like these:___. ___. And you can be sure that it will work for your customers because we've proven it with our clients like ___ and _ _.

In fact, we recently talked to ___ and they said _____. Can you imagine having ___ as a client? That's the kind of results we can help you get when you work with us.

You won't have to worry about your investment, either. We guarantee that _____.


What are you waiting for? Call me right now!

____ (888) 337-2234 ext. ______

Let me make sure I've got everything right…

You're interested in _____, yes? Well, the way I see it, this is a no brainer because _____ and ___. We can help you get results like these:___ and ___. That's the kind of results we can help you get when you work with us.

You won't have to worry about your investment, either. We guarantee that _____.

Can I call you back after I've reviewed your file to verify that I have the information I need? As long as it doesn't take more than ____ minutes, I'll be with you right now.

If it helps, we can put you in contact with ___ and ___. They're our clients and they might be able to tell you more about how this product works for them and how they got such great results.

So, we're on? Great! Give me about ____ minutes and I'll be ready for you.


___ (888) 337-2234 ext. ______
Title: How to Create a Sales Script in 10 Easy Steps
Writing a sales script that works can be very difficult. Yet, at the same time, it can be such a powerful tool that once you learn how to create a sales script that is personalized, there are few things you can do as an entrepreneur that will have a more positive impact on your business or career.

However, writing a script is not easy. In fact, most people fail miserably when it comes to writing a script. It's not that they're bad at sales or marketing. It's just that they don't know how to create a script that will convert. They don't know what questions to ask or how to structure their approach in order to put themselves in the best position possible so they can create an offer that is compelling and interesting enough for the customer to accept.

That's why I've put together this little guide on how you can write a sales script like an expert. I'll show you five different ways that you can structure your sales script and six different questions that you'll want to ask. When you combine these with the strategies I'm going to teach you in the next section, it will be like a whole new world has opened up for you.

I'm sure some of these will sound like common sense, but trust me – they aren't! Having read this guide, I know that there are a lot of people out there who will benefit from reading it and using what they learn. So, let's get started!

How to Create a Sales Script – Step 1: Identify Your Target Market

The first step you're going to want to take is going to be identifying your target market. This is one of the most important steps in the process, and it's something that a lot of people do poorly. They don't take the time to really figure this out before getting into their sales script. This is really just as much about marketing as it is anything else, because in order for your system or product (whatever you plan to sell) to work, it needs a targeted audience.

If you don't have a targeted audience for your product or system, it's going to be very difficult for you to create a script that works. In fact, if you don't target the right audience, your results are likely to be inconsistent at best. So, don't skip this step!

How to Create a Sales Script – Step 2: Think of Three Reasons Why Your Product Will Be Good For Your Target Market

Once you've figured out who your target market is, you'll want to think of three reasons why your product will be good for them. This is actually much harder than most people realize. Rarely do we focus on the things that are good about our products. Instead, we focus on the things that are bad about them or the ways that they could possibly be better.

However, you want to flip this around and start thinking about why your product or service will be good for your target market. If you can identify three main reasons why it's going to be good for them, you'll have a great starting point for writing your sales script.

How to Create a Sales Script – Step 3: Think of Three Objections They Might Have and How You Can Overcome Them

Your next step will be to think of three possible objections your customers might have. This is another very important step in the process, and it's also something that most people don't do properly. It's not easy to think of three objections that your customers might have. Believe me – I know this first hand!

However, it can really make a world of difference when you take the time to do this. You want to be sure you think of three main things they might say and how you will respond if they do. Otherwise, you're going to come across as unprepared and easily defeated in their eyes.

It's a little easier to do with something like a product than it is with a service. For example, if you're trying to sell a diet pill, one of the objections might be, "I'll become addicted to this." Your response would simply be that the pills are prescription strength and there are no known side effects or addictive properties. You could also refer them to an independent resource like WebMD or Wikipedia that can reassure them of this point.

Conclusion of Step 1: Identify Your Target Market

Your next step is going to be to identify your target market. This might seem like a big step, but it's really not. Most people have a very hard time doing this because they focus on the wrong things. You probably know plenty of people who are selling products and systems that don't really target anyone! They're just throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping something is going to stick.

When you think about it, though, this makes no sense at all. When you're trying to build a successful business or career in any field, there are two things you want to do. You want to expand your market size and you want to expand your customer base.

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