Ziglar Australia releases Sales training selection report


 Ziglar Australia releases Sales training selection report

Ziglar® Australia releases Sales training selection report
The Australian Centre for Training and Development and Ziglar® Institute joined forces to conduct a survey of 1,084 Australian sales professionals in order to identify the most popular sales training choices currently available in the country. It is without question that sales has evolved into an increasingly complex activity in the 21st century. Modern salespeople need an arsenal of skills and tactics at their disposal. The report identified that sales training preferences have evolved over recent years; sales professionals are now more focused on developing broader and deeper knowledge than they were in previous decades.

According to the report findings, the top three most popular sales training choices by Australian sales professionals in New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria in 2013 were:
1. Sales Bootcamp; 2. Sales Mastery Foundation Course; 3. Sales Mastery Advanced Certificate Program (the top TAFE course).  Also on the list of the top five most popular sales training options was a self-study program developed by Ziglar Institute called The 32 Strategies of Successful Selling.

The report also identified that sales trainers have evolved as well. Sales professionals in Australia are more likely to seek training from a person who has achieved professional certification in the field than they were in 2006.  Professional certification has gained popularity over the past decade; however, many sales training providers do not yet offer formal professional certification.

The report concludes with recommendations for sales trainers, including but not limited to: establish a formal process for identifying industry skills and competencies; work towards achieving formal industry certification or accreditation; be aware of change management issues resulting from generational differences in the workforce, and lastly be proactive with respect to technology adoption among their target audience.  The full report is available to download here: http://www.ziglar.com/global/downloads/pdf/Ziglar_Sales_Report.pdf

Contact Information:
If you would like more information about Ziglar Australia, please visit www.ziglar.com or contact us at 02 8299 0100, email info@ziglar.com.au or via Twitter at @ZiglarAus
Scotland, UK based consulting firm Revenue Performance Group LLC has released its 7th edition of the Sales Effectiveness Playbook (http://www.saleseffectivenessplaybook.com). This edition includes a new section, online resources based on buyer personas. These online resources are available for free to everyone but if you register on the site, you'll get notified the minute they are updated.
The Playbook is an interactive document that has evolved over the years and it is now used by thousands of sales professionals around the world. It helps Sales Leaders to align their sales teams with executives' corporate strategy. The current edition of the Playbook features information on how to achieve a full measure of revenue performance through: 
1) prospecting with sales intelligence, 
2) converting leads into opportunities, 
3) using process and tracking tools and 
4) managing & supporting successful forecasts.

The Playbook can be downloaded here: http://www.saleseffectivenessplaybook.com
France, Belgium and Luxembourg-based company Artevos, who offer webinars on various topics to sales professionals and training experts all over the world, has released a new online webinar series entitled "Strengthen Your Sales Effectiveness with Strategic Planning". This is a step-by-step guide designed to help you strengthen your sales effectiveness through strategic planning; it is part of the Artevos "Sales Effectiveness" series developed by Peter Durward Brown, Director of Professional Sales Training at Artevos in London. The series includes four webinars. Each is a two-hour session and a PDF document to download afterwards.
"Artevos' aim is to show you how to strategically plan and execute your sales effectiveness, which ultimately increases your revenue. You'll learn how strategic planning can be used to get more for what you actually have, instead of trying to gain new customers or clients. This will help you deal with the issues of supply chain management and marketing that historically have caused so much stress and friction. If you do this, you'll be able to work more efficiently and have more time at the end of each day to spend with your family, instead of stressing about your workload."
The first webinar of the series is entitled "How to get started" and will take place on Thursday 3rd August at 2pm BST (UK time). Expert Peter Durward Brown will be explaining how strategic planning can help salespeople become much more effective. You'll also discover why any kind of planning or lack thereof can actually limit your opportunity.
The next three webinars will take place on Thursday 17th August, 2pm BST (UK time), Thursday 24th August, 2pm BST (UK time) and Thursday 31st August, 2pm BST (UK time). These webinars will be about:
- "How to create a mission statement [or purpose]" 
- "How to create a sales strategy" 
- "How to create an action plan"
For more information on this online webinar series or to register for one of the four upcoming webinars please visit http://www.artevos.com/sales-effectiveness/
United States-based sales training company Sales On Target (SOT) has launched its new course "The Great Wave: How to Approach Prospecting". The new course is the fourth in a series on "how to prospect"; it focuses on four key areas that are pivotal to the success of any sale: warm introductions, follow up, positioning and follow up and how how you should start and end a sales conversation. The course will help you ask for the right amount of information from your prospects. It consists of two parts - the first part focuses on warm introductions, which is considered by many sales professionals as one of the most challenging areas of prospecting. It also includes a case study of one instructor's personal struggles with prospecting. The second part is about how to position your company and products during a sales call. Here, you will also learn how to focus on the customer's interests and problems.
The course took two years to be developed. It is recommended for experienced sales professionals as well as first-year salespeople who can benefit from the ideas shared by expert Mark Menendez, who has built his entire career around the topic of cold calling and therefore is able to share his insights based on real-life experiences. 
You can sign up for the class here: http://www.salesontarget.

There's one main reason why B2B sales training is so important - because it's interactive, which makes it easier to retain knowledge and make use of the skills learned. In fact, a recent survey by the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) has found that 83 percent of B2B buyers who have purchased products or services in the last five years say that they value learning new information when interacting with their supplier. The term "interactive" is something that many people don't associate with technology; and yet it can be used to improve sales training.

Sales training virtual classrooms are perfect for interactive training because they allow the learners to interact with each other as well as their instructor.

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