Time Management Strategies for Effective Personal Finances


  Time Management Strategies for Effective Personal Finances

Want to get ahead financially? Then you need to know a few time management techniques that will help you stay on task and maintain excellent financial management.

Personal finance is difficult enough, but when it's coupled with time constraints, it becomes an even bigger task. In order to efficiently manage your finances without feeling too much stress in the process, here are some ideas for how you can conquer time management:

- Always have a set amount of tasks you want to accomplish each day before noon. This allows you to stay productive throughout the morning hours without wasting your entire day trying not-to-do work.

- Take advantage of doing things in bulk. If you're at home or work and have a few minutes spare, use this time to make calls, pay bills or respond to correspondence. This will build up your time investments for later in the day when you can't access your computer or telephone.

- Keep a running checklist. Use sticky notes, a paper list or the Notes section on your smart phone to compile a list of what you need to do each day with checkboxes beside each task. This will help you see how much more needs to be done and how much more is already accomplished.

- Free up additional time. Are you one of those people who can spend three hours getting ready in the morning? If so, you may want to consider cutting back on some of the chores and routines that you've developed over the years. Our lives are too busy to be spending too much time on things that we don't really enjoy, whether it's eating, personal grooming or household cleaning. Make a list of these non-essential activities and try to do them less often.

- Work with others. If you have a family member or friend who is willing to help, delegate some tasks to him or her so that they're not your responsibility anymore. This will give you more time to work on other items and spend time with your family as well.

- Don't waste time. If you find that you're spending too much time on things your don't really enjoy or need to do, eliminate them from your life. It's just as important to realize which activities aren't worth your time as it is to know which ones are important. For example, if you're an avid television watcher but rarely find yourself watching educational programs, then why waste the same amount of energy for shows that only make you angry?

- Get up early. If you have a regular job, then set your alarm clock 30 minutes early and use that small amount of time to get tasks done before you even go to work. By getting things done in the morning, you'll eliminate some of the time spent on it later.

- Cut back on T.V. time. If you're tired, don't feel like cooking or don't have any better activities in mind for the evening hours, then T.V. watching is probably not the best idea for your schedule. It's healthy to cut back on television times and replace it with more active endeavors, such as taking a walk or calling up a friend for a conversation over coffee or tea.

- Review your tasks daily and weekly. To make certain that you're staying on top of the things that you want to accomplish, review your list daily and weekly. Check the items off as they're completed and remember to add in new items as they come up in your life.

- Don't let yourself get too comfortable. Are there activities in your life, such as an afternoon nap or evening bubble baths, that are making it difficult to work on other tasks? If so, then cut back or eliminate them and set aside specific times for relaxation.

- Stay focused. Try not to give into distractions like Facebook, Twitter or surfing the web for fun unless it's necessary for work or school purposes. Keep your eyes on the task at hand and avoid the temptation to get too bogged down in non-essential activities.

- Avoid procrastination. If you have a variety of tasks that you want to do, then make a list of everything that needs to be accomplished and put it in order before starting anything new. This will help keep you from deciding last minute on whether or not to get started with one task or another and allow you to get your entire day done more efficiently.

- Listen carefully. One of the most effective methods for time management is using proper listening techniques. We've all heard the saying "I don't hear you, I'm listening." While we joke about it, this is actually a good example of how many times we think that we are listening when in reality we have missed the message completely. To listen properly and effectively, focus on what the person is saying without thinking about what you want to say in response, tune out background noises and keep eye contact with the speaker.

- Always have an action list. Whether you're at home or work, make sure that there is an action list posted somewhere where you can see it constantly throughout your day. This will help keep you focused on your goals and encourage you to stay committed to reaching them every day.

- Make notes. Whenever you have an idea for a project that you want to complete, make notes about the type of tool or material that is required. Whenever you can, go out and gather these items as often as possible so that when it's time to actually complete your project, you have everything ready to go at once and in one place.

- Make the most of your computer time. Do you find yourself spending hours a day on social media sites? If so, limit your Internet usage to no more than two hours a day and schedule times when you are allowed to surf freely. And don't allow yourself to read emails or respond to texts during work hours.

- Get organized. At the end of each day, make a list of everything that you have accomplished and make sure that it's clearly written down. Review this list each morning and take action as needed to complete tasks in the future.

- Don't waste time. Every minute you spend on non-productive activities is one that you could be using more effectively elsewhere in your life. Take time out of your day for recreation or exercise only if you enjoy it and don't use it as an excuse for avoiding responsibilities that need to be completed during the day.


Making the most of your time every day is important for both personal and professional reasons. By being organized, eliminating distractions and setting daily goals, you'll be able to complete everything that needs to be done in a timely and efficient manner.

The time that you have on this earth is limited. Don't waste it by allowing yourself to get caught up in unimportant or unnecessary routines that don't serve any productive purpose. Take full advantage of every hour in the day so that you can complete all of your tasks and enjoy the time that's left over with family and friends.

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