Benefits of Whey Protein


 Benefits of Whey Protein

Pick a protein and any fitness goal you can imagine, and whey has been proven to be an excellent assistant in the pursuit of that goal. Muscle growth? Check. Fat loss? Yep. Recovery post-workout? Absolutely. Improved performance during said workout? Absolutely! Best of all, whey is not just a temporary solution - it can help you maintain your physique for the long haul.

How does whey do it all, you ask? Let’s break it down...

As noted above, whey is a readily available and easily digestible protein source. In fact, whey can be considered superior to most natural proteins in terms of digestibility, absorption rate and amino acid bioavailability. Whey protein is also a complete protein source, which means that it contains all 9 essential (non-essential) amino acids your body cannot produce on its own. Whey also includes branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) that are essential for supporting the immune and nervous systems. Although BCAAs cannot be synthesized by the body, they have a direct anabolic effect on muscle cells.

Whey protein is also very high in mature proteins, which means it can dramatically improve your body’s protein status during and after a workout. When consumed immediately after exercise, whey protein helps speed muscle recovery by elevating post-workout levels of anabolic hormones such as insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1 and IGFBP3, which are critical for maintaining muscle mass. Whey also helps to prevent catabolism (muscle wasting) during training because it increases muscle protein synthesis. One study even found that whey protein supplementation improves muscle glycogen replenishment at rest and after exercise.

There are so many benefits to consuming whey in the diet that it’s hard to narrow down the advantages. In my personal experience, I have found that whey has helped me stay lean by helping me avoid overeating and help control my appetite. It has also helped me maintain a moderate-intensity fitness routine for years as it helped stave off fatigue and hunger between sets and reps. It has also been shown to help reduce fat mass, as well as increase lean muscle mass. Whey protein is also helpful for liver detoxification and improving heart health. Whey protein is one of the most versatile and powerful nutritional supplements on the market today and should be a staple in everyone’s diet.


1. Biolo G, Tipton KD, Klein S, Wolfe RR. An abundant supply of amino acids enhances the metabolic effect of exercise on muscle protein. Am J Physiol 1997;273:E122–6.

2. Campbell WW, Ellis EF, Coffman TM et al (1997). A highly potent, orally bioavailable inhibitor of the human p70 S6 kinase. J Biol Chem 272:13381-6.

3. Biolo G, Fleming RY, Maggi SP et al (1994). Insulin sensitivity determines the response of muscle protein anabolism to nutrition and exercise. Diabetes 43:1278–85.

4. Wilkinson SB, Tarnopolsky MA, MacDonald MJ et al (1992). Effect of concentric and eccentric resistance training on architectural adaptation in human quadriceps muscles. Acta Physiol Scand 144:521–8.

5. Phillips SM, Tipton KD, Aarsland A et al (1997). Protein and amino acid metabolism during and after exercise. Am J Physiol 272:E1–E14.

6. Phillips SM, Tipton KD, Ferrando AA et al (2001). Timing of amino acids and muscle protein gain during recovery from resistance exercise. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 281: Ee1–E8.

7. Wolfe RR, Tarnopolsky MA (2000). At the extremes of low-carbohydrate dieting: what can go wrong? Exerc Sport Sci Rev 28(2):79–87

8. Wolf S, Black M, McHugh T et al (2000). Growth hormone as a nutrient. J Nutr 130(10): 2582S-2583S.

9. Koopman R, Verdijk LB, Beelen M et al (2010). Co-ingestion of leucine with protein does not further augment post-exercise muscle protein synthesis rates in elderly men. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 298:E122–E127

10. Hydrolyzed Whey Protein - Another Whey Supplement to Consider? []

11. Protein menu []

12. Protein Powder for Post Workout Muscle Recovery []

13. Whey Protein Facts []

14. Which Is Best: Whey or Casein Protein? []

15. Health Info - Whey Protein []

16. Supplementation Using a High Protein Diet in Weight Management: I (Effect of high protein intake on fat loss) []

17. Supplementation Using a High Protein Diet in Weight Management: IV []

18. Supplementation Using a High Protein Diet in Weight Management: III []

19. Supplementation Using a High Protein Diet in Weight Management: II [http://jpetitfoods.tripod.


We all want to get and stay as lean as possible, but it can be a confusing and frustrating road to travel. When it comes to losing fat, there are as many opinions as there are people. As you can see, the answers are somewhat clear cut. The choice is simple: If you want to slim down effectively and safely, then you must adopt a high protein diet. If you don’t trust that old wives’ tale that protein causes your body to hold onto fat - it doesn’t – then challenge common belief with some research studies and cut out the junk food.

Follow your passion - your passion can be your career or a hobby like running or cycling.

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