Building effective leadership skills


  Building effective leadership skills

We all know that leadership is a hugely important skill to have. But not everyone knows how to become an effective leader. The question is: How do you build leadership skills? And the answer is: With practice, experience, and education.

The key to successful leadership development is action. When you take steps to learn more about your strengths and weaknesses, then begin experimenting with new skills, you are actively building your leadership capacity. The more steps that you take, the more your leadership skills will grow.

For example, in a professional development course at Harvard Business School, the students were asked to reflect on what they were good at and what they need to improve. Then, each student wrote down some actions that would help them move forward in their careers. They then had a mentor meet with them weekly and hold them accountable for their goals. As the students worked through their action plans over the course of the semester, they developed greater awareness of themselves and increased their leadership skills. Each time students found an opportunity to step up they gained more confidence in their abilities as leaders.

Another important element of improving your leadership skills is education. You can read books, attend webinars, watch videos and listen to podcasts. But the best way to learn is through hands on experience. Volunteering for a leadership position at your place of employment will give you a chance to practice skills in an actual work setting. Or you may want to join professional organizations that allow you to connect with leaders outside of your organization who can offer new perspectives and insights.

No matter what specific activities you choose, keep learning and practicing new skills for developing your leadership abilities. Keep moving forward and don't get discouraged if it takes some time for changes to happen in your life. Successful leadership development is an active process that takes time, effort, and experience.


(3) How to learn to lead? Leadership is a skill that develops over time, experience, and education (article title, author, publication source, and date)
2. In groups of four discuss the following:

1. What do you agree with in the article? ______________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. What do you disagree with in the article? _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________
3. How could you apply the lesson(s) to your work and career?

1. Discuss the following in detail:

2. Watch this video:

3. What is your reaction to the video?

4. What can be done so that people are healthier, happier and work better as a team?

1. Do you agree that Japanese companies are more productive than American companies? Why or why not? _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________ 2. Why do you think Japanese workers are more productive than Americans workers? Do you agree or disagree with these reasons: Japan's population is much older, which reduces its need for new workers; Japanese companies invest heavily in training and education; The Chinese culture emphasizes group harmony over individual success 3. Compare and contrast the leadership styles of American and Japanese managers. 4. How could these insights help an American company wanting to compete with a Japanese company?

5. Do you agree with the article? Why or why not?

1. Do you agree that employees in Japan are happier than those in the United States? Why or why not? _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________ 2. Why do you think many Japanese workers are happier than American workers? Do you agree or disagree with these reasons: The corporate culture provides focus for employees; New employees go through a period of adjustment; Employees have longer vacations 3. Compare and contrast the cardiovascular risks faced by Americans and Japanese business people. 4. How could these insights help an American company wanting to compete with a Japanese company?

6. Do you agree with the article? Why or why not?

1. Do you agree that Japanese society is more hierarchical than American society? Why or why not? _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________ 2. Why do you think Japanese workers are more willing to subordinate themselves to others than American workers? Do you agree or disagree with these reasons: The corporate culture emphasizes group harmony over individual success; The corporate culture provides focus for employees; New employees go through a period of adjustment; Employees have longer vacations 3. Describe how this has affected innovation in Japan and the US. 4. How could these insights help an American company wanting to compete with a Japanese company? 5. Should the management of your company be more or less hierarchical?

7. Do you agree with the article? Why or why not?

1. Do you agree that Japanese workers are better at adapting than American workers? Why or why not? _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________ 2. Why do you think Japanese workers are better at adapting than American workers? Do you agree or disagree with these reasons: The corporate culture provides focus for employees; New employees go through a period of adjustment; Employees have longer vacations 3. Compare and contrast the knowledge sharing behavior between Americans and Japanese managers 4. How could these insights help an American company wanting to compete with a Japanese company?

8. Do you agree with the article? Why or why not?

1. Do you agree that we spend more money on education in Japan than in the United States? Why or why not? _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________ 2. Why do you think we spend more money on education in Japan than in the United States? Do you agree or disagree with these reasons: The corporate culture provides focus for employees; New employees go through a period of adjustment; Employees have longer vacations 3. Describe how this has affected innovation in Japan and the US. 4.


1. Do you agree with the article? Why or why not? _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________ 2. What is it about the Japanese work ethic that you would like to see adopted in your business?

With respect to this book we can also ask ourselves, "What would our life be like if we were more conscious of life, and lived with more care?" This is not a hypothetical question, but one that applies to each of us every day of our lives. In fact, it's a question we must ask ourselves many times a day and every time something happens that affects us in any way.

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