Building Strong Work Ethic: Habitual Strategies for Success
"It is easy to go through the motions, but deep down, you don’t actually believe in what you are doing."
- Paul Curtoni, Speaker and TEDx Ambassador
A strong work ethic can be gained through repetition. There are many different ways to do this; here are some examples.
1) Read something every day that interests or inspires you. 2) Stick to a routine (This article is an example of a routine). 3) Take smart risks and learn from mistakes. 4) Meditate with mindful actions like walking outside or eating lunch alone. 5) Practice your craft. 6) Develop and follow a process that is simple and repetitive (This article is an example of a process).
Paul Curtoni, TEDx HD Ambassador & Speaker
The idea of a routine is to create a consistent pattern of behavior. This way, when you want to achieve something, this can be recreated quickly. It's important to remember that habits will not form unless they are followed frequently. The more often you do what you want your habit to be, the stronger the habit will become. The easiest way to do this is to do it with the same action every single day. This way, you will be saving time and energy as well as forming a habit. There are two types of habits: external and internal. External habits are actions that we perform that we can see or hear in the world. For example, going into Starbucks to get your coffee everyday or walking into work at 8am everyday. Even though these are external actions, they still require us to have regular conscious effort by going into Starbucks and going on time workdays. Internal habits are acts that we cannot see or hear in the world. For example, going to sleep at regular times everyday. These are harder to form because of this fact, but they are almost always more beneficial to us because of it. The best way to form an internal habit is by doing your action while you meditate in the morning. It is easy to go through the motions, but deep down, you don’t actually believe in what you are doing. It is important that you believe in your actions and try hard to make them a reality.
To learn about Habitual Strategies for Success and how you can use them yourself visit Habits Forming Strategies .
1) Read something every day that interests or inspires you.
This can be about anything. It could be a book, an article, or even the news. The main idea is that you are reading something that is interesting to you and enjoying it. Why? Because you are doing it often and you will look forward to whatever it is next. Reading something everyday will naturally lead to reading more every day, which will lead to reading more every week, etc.. This way of thinking about habits and reading/studying everyday is similar to the concept meditation. If daily meditation makes you happier and keeps depression at bay then why wouldn't daily studying make us happier if it also deepens our intellect? 2) Stick to a routine (This article is an example of a routine).
A routine is something that you do everyday that is the same. It's a structure, but it is important to not overthink this. If there are many things to be done everyday, the best way to get them done is by developing a structure and then sticking to that structure until it becomes natural. In order for this structure to stick, you need to have committed time on your side every day because sitting down and doing nothing will lose the habit after some time. Also, routines are often more enjoyable and feel more rewarding when they are created consciously with a specific goal in mind (Which leads me into...) 3) Take smart risks and learn from mistakes.
This is a very important point and something that most people neglect. It is easy to be afraid of taking risks and do what you're good at instead of making mistakes. By doing this, however, you will never be able to fully develop your skill set as a person because you are not exposed to many new perspectives or situations. A very useful way to overcome this fear of taking risks is by thinking about it like a small game. If you're playing chess, how would you feel if your opponent kept moving all his pieces around the board in one direction? It would be really boring and annoying. However, if you were to move your pieces in a certain way, it would be very fun. The same is true for taking risks and trying things other than what you're good at. You must decide whether or not the risk will be beneficial for you in the long run. Also, by being open to mistakes, you will learn and develop as a person. Just because an action doesn't turn out as planned doesn't mean that your overall performance was a failure. There are many chances to learn from your mistakes and grow as a person from these experiences because the more mistakes made, the better the person can become (This article is an example of a process). 4) Practice your craft.
Through repetition, the activities you do every day will naturally become stronger and better. These activities will lead to better performance and a greater sense of accomplishment (This article is an example of a process). 5) Develop and follow a process that is simple and repetitive (This article is an example of a process).
If you have read my previous article on making habits, you will know that the best aspect of making habits is the simplicity. I believe that having a simple routine that involves little to no thought or planning is essential for attaining habits. This way, when you want to achieve something, it can be done quickly by repeating the same action everyday. It is important to remember that habits will not form unless they are followed frequently. The more often you do what you want your habit to be, the stronger the habit will become. The easiest way to do this is to do it with the same action every single day. This way, you will be saving time and energy as well as forming a habit. 6) Learn something new everyday (This article is an example of a process).
The best way to learn something new everyday is through repetition and experimentation . There are many resources for this such as books, websites, articles, TED Talks, etc.. These resources can help us learn faster than ever before and develop our intellect at a quicker pace.
Making a Website Work For You
Conclusion :
If you read this article in its entirety, I am extremely grateful for your time and I hope you were able to learn something that will help you become happier. If you enjoyed this article, please share it with your friends and feel free to ask me questions in the comment section below.
As always, I wish you the best of luck on your journey!
Average Joe Mindset is when someone who is just a normal person who doesn't work hard enough believes he or she has failed. This is very harmful because it causes us to believe we are not good enough or don't have what it takes when in reality we have all that we need inside ourselves.