Buy To Let Property Insurance


 Buy To Let Property Insurance

If you're looking to buy a property to rent out, buy-to-let insurance is a must. This type of cover protects your investment from damage caused by unforeseen events, such as fire, burst pipes or even theft. It also provides peace of mind and covers potential liabilities if someone falls ill on the premises and sues you for wrongful injury. Buy-to-let cover typically comes as part of the cost of purchasing a property but if you opt for an off-the-shelf policy there are usually ongoing premiums involved.
This guide explains the different aspects of buy-to-let insurance, what you need to consider before buying an insurance policy and how much it costs.
How does buy-to-let insurance work? If you are a landlord with tenants living in your property, these policies are designed for your benefit and should help protect your property and rental income from any damage. This type of cover is a legal requirement if you want to claim on contents - the landlord needs this insurance. If tenants don't have their own contents cover, they can sometimes make a claim against the landlord's policy.

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