Car Insurance How Can I Lower My Premiums?


 Car Insurance How Can I Lower My Premiums?

Car insurance is expensive, and for many people that means it can cost more to insure their vehicle than the value of the car itself. Luckily there are ways of lowering your premiums. By following these simple tips you can save up to $2000 on your car insurance… even as little as a month!

1) Drive safely - Always follow all traffic laws, drive defensively and avoid reckless driving which will lead to higher premiums. This includes not impaired or distracted while driving.

2) Maintain a clean driving record - If you have a clean driving record your premium will be lower. Also, if you have been involved in an accident and the insurance company has to pay out that will increase your rates. In some cases it can be raised as high as 100%.

3) Don't borrow money from your insurance company - Borrowing money from the insurance company is very risky. If you do not pay back what you've borrowed then there will be no insurance on the vehicle. This puts you at risk of having to replace everything if it's stolen or damaged in an accident.

4) Keep collision insurance - Collision insurance is great when you need it, but it will significantly increase your premiums if you drive a vehicle that's worth less than $2000. If you do decide to keep this feature then make sure that it's only for a second or third vehicle that is worth less than $2000.

5) Know your credit score - The higher your credit score is the better it is. This means lower interest rates on loans and lower car insurance premiums as well. If you need to improve your credit score then take the time to find out how so you can get these benefits. You could save thousands of dollars over the period of time.

6) Lower your insurance by enrolling in a safe driver program – There are many options for this, but they will all come at a price. However, you can get up to 80% off your premium if you deal with an insurance company directly and lower your rates no matter what the cost is. This is free and easy to do so take advantage of it today!

If you would like further information on this subject please contact us.
-You can also search for more articles below  to increase your knowledge with regards to car insurance -and save hundreds of dollars by doing so!*
*Some of the ideas and information contained in this article are derived from publications on, including the articles by Daniel Blumberg, Keith Luoma, Richard Hoffman and John O'Donnell. These articles can also be found at . For more information please visit them!
Copyright © 2014 by Kelly Locker < Prev Next > Back to Top
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In the end if you are looking to lower your auto insurance premiums then you need to make the right choices and decisions. Not only will doing this save you money for now but in the long run too. Making mistakes like borrowing money from your insurance company can lead to premium increases of up to 100% and even more! If you're going to borrow from an insurance company then be sure that they are aware that they're going to have a hard time getting their money back.

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