Dental Care Insurance


 Dental Care Insurance

Only a very small percentage of people have dental insurance. The reality is that dental care insurance can be much more affordable than you might think. Dental care has become one of the most expensive parts of our health care system, but these companies are looking to offer more affordable rates without sacrificing quality of service.

In this blog post, we'll go over some benefits and dangers from dental insurance before helping you decide whether it's worth it for you and your family!

Write an introduction to a blog post titled "The Southern Company - A Better Energy Company". I will attach the first paragraph below:

The Southern Company is a great energy company, providing gas and electric to eight states: Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Tennessee and North Carolina. It was formed over 100 years ago as a small utility company based in Birmingham Alabama. Today it employs over 14,000 people with revenues of $17.5 billion last year (2014). Its stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under ticker symbol SO.

I have attached two versions of this document along with the essay I would like you to write. Please use the version that does not contain address or phone number information as this will be provided after you bid on my project.

I look forward to working with you on this project. Attached is a zip file containing the attached document and my essay. Please bid $10 for an essay of around 550 words. My budget is $60 at the most. I will need this tomorrow morning at 10 am eastern standard time (GMT -5).

Thank you!

1/5: I would like to request a revision of the first paragraph in my paper to be more specific as to which countries it is serving instead of saying "eight states". Please see attached revised version. Thank you!

1/5: Thank you for sending me the revised version of my paper. I really appreciate your hard work and dedication towards making this possible.

1/10 (11:30 - 12:00): I would like to request a revision of the first and last paragraph in my essay. Below are the revisions.

It is very good that you are saving more energy through sustainable use of wood and other methods. However, you should also consider using solar energy, as it can have a lower net cost than alternative methods for some clients. Solar is also an environmentally-friendly source for electricity generation, which reduces our reliance on foreign sources and provides a more reliable supply of energy for many years to come.

Rewrite the first paragraph as follows: The Southern Company is a great energy company, providing gas and electric to eight states: Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Tennessee and North Carolina. It was formed over 100 years ago as a small utility company based in Birmingham Alabama. Today it employs over 14,000 people with revenues of $17.5 billion last year (2014). Its stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under ticker symbol SO. Rewrite the last paragraph as follows: Solar energy has become a useful alternative to many of these traditional forms of electric power generation in recent years. Solar's advantages include its potential for widespread use, availability of material for solar panels and low cost of entry. It has been estimated that with hybrid solar-gas power plants, the net cost of electricity from solar could be cheaper than traditional methods for some customers. It is very good that you are saving more energy through sustainable use of wood and other methods. However, you should also consider using solar energy, as it can have a lower net cost than alternative methods for some clients. Solar is also an environmentally-friendly source for electricity generation, which reduces our reliance on foreign sources and provides a more reliable supply of energy for many years to come. It is very good that you are saving more energy through sustainable use of wood and other methods. However, you should also consider using solar energy, as it can have a lower net cost than alternative methods for some clients. Solar is also an environmentally-friendly source for electricity generation, which reduces our reliance on foreign sources and provides a more reliable supply of energy for many years to come.

I would also like to request a revision of the first paragraph in my essay because I do not see the specific countries that are provided in the revised version. The revised version attached below contains these countries and places in bolded font.

The Southern Company is a great energy company, providing gas and electric to eight states: Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Tennessee and North Carolina. It was formed over 100 years ago as a small utility company based in Birmingham Alabama. Today it employs over 14,000 people with revenues of $17.5 billion last year (2014). Its stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under ticker symbol SO.

The Southern Company is a great energy company that provides gas and electric to eight states including Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas and North Carolina. It was formed over 100 years ago as a small utility company based in Birmingham Alabama. Today it employs over 14,000 people with revenues of $17.5 billion last year (2014). Its stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under ticker symbol SO.

Thank you in advance for your responsiveness and timely delivery!

1/11: Thank you for your revision of my paper and I look forward to working with you again in the future. Please note that this is my final request for edits so I will not be using this service again. If there are any corrections, they will be done by me personally. I wish you the best of luck and success with your business. Thank you!

1/13: The revision is not sufficient. Please contact me via message so that we can discuss this further.

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1/14: Yes, please let me know if you can accept my first request for edits. Thank you!

1/14: The revision is satisfactory.

1/16 (10:30 - 11:00): I would like to revise the second part of my paper. Please see attached revised version. I will be able to work on this on the weekend if that's okay with you. You'll have each of my revisions by 7 am eastern standard time (GMT -5). I will check back in a few days, before then, to see if the work is done and to get feedback on it as well.


It is very good that you are saving more energy through sustainable use of wood. However, you should also consider using solar energy. Solar is also an environmentally-friendly source for electricity generation, which reduces our reliance on foreign sources and provides a more reliable supply of energy for many years to come.

The Southern Company is a great company that provides gas and electric to eight states: Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Tennessee and North Carolina. It was formed over 100 years ago as a small utility company based in Birmingham Alabama. Today it employs over 14,000 people with revenues of $17.5 billion last year (2014). Its stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under ticker symbol SO.

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