Enhance Your Flexibility
Flexibility is a distinct quality of the body which can be used to influence movement and other bodily functions. Flexibility allows for a range of movement to occur, and takes place in different areas around the body. People with good flexibility are generally able to rotate their joints, stretch their muscles, and bend their bodies in ways that people without flexibility might not be able to do. Flexibility is an important quality to develop, especially when it comes to a person's training in both martial arts and sports.
Your flexibility training should incorporate aspects of stretching and conditioning to be most effective, and many activities can be incorporated to help you improve your flexibility.
Two types of flexibility can be found in the body, which are static and dynamic. Static flexibility relates to someone's ability to stretch a muscle without moving the body part past its normal range of movement. Dynamic flexibility relates to someone's ability to move through their full range of motion, taking into account other areas that may also be moving with the body part being stretched.
Static flexibility
Static flexibility is found in the muscles and tendons of the body. Static stretching is a form of static flexibility which involves stretching a muscle or tendon while remaining in one specific position. Static stretching may be done to warm up for exercise, or simply to deeply relax the muscles before beginning an activity. Examples of static stretches include: sit-ups, lunges, horse stance (meaning standing on one leg), and wall sits.
Dynamic flexibility
Dynamic flexibility involves moving through your full range of motion with your joints, meaning you are able to rotate your joints through a full 180 degrees (a 180 degree rotation is often called "full range of motion" but should not be confused with actually completing a full 360 degree rotation). Your ability to move through your full range of motion will improve with dynamic flexibility training, which is achieved through a variety of activities. Examples of some dynamic stretches include: the hurdler's stretch, the figure four stretch (back and forth), and the bridge.
Dynamic flexibility is vital to correct joint alignment, and can be improved by stretching muscles or tendons that are in an improper position. Exercises that involve correcting incorrect joint alignment or spinal mobility can be very beneficial in this regard. Dynamic flexibility exercises are also useful for people who participate in sports such as martial arts and gymnastics.
The length of time spent stretching can greatly impact the benefits you receive from static or dynamic flexibility training. If you stretch too long, you may feel sore, which can be decreased through dynamic flexibility training and stretching frequently to break up the aches that come with over-stretching.
Flexibility Training Program
A flexible person is never limited by their flexibility. Flexibility training provides benefits in a variety of areas, which can be used to enhance your physical fitness and ability to perform from a variety of positions. The flexibility training program below is designed to be done as part of your daily routine, depending on the time that you have available for training.
The flexibility training program below primarily aims at static and dynamic flexibility, but it also includes some static stretching exercises to help warm up and prepare for activities. It is recommended that you warm up properly before performing any flexibility training exercises, and should avoid performing any stretching exercises if you have recently performed a workout with heavy lifting. The flexibility training program below is designed to be done as part of your daily routine, depending on the time that you have available for training.
Day 1: Warm up
Day 2: Static stretches
Day 3: Dynamic stretches
Be sure to check out the other articles in the series for more fitness tips! Click below to see what else we have gathered together for your fitness enjoyment!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kelebio_Oberti . All Rights Reserved. Images are copyright of their owner(s).
by fitnessseg
By: fitnessseg.com
In martial arts, flexibility is a quality that can be used to strengthen your techniques and make them more effective. Flexibility allows for a range of movement to occur, and takes place in different areas around the body. People with good flexibility are generally able to rotate their joints, stretch their muscles, and bend their bodies in ways that people without flexibility might not be able to do. Flexibility is an important quality to develop, especially when it comes to a person's training in both martial arts and sports......Read more Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kelebio_Oberti . All Rights Reserved. Image...
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kelebio_Oberti . All Rights Reserved. Image is copyright of its owner(s).
By: fitnessseg . com
In martial arts, flexibility is a quality that can be used to strengthen your techniques and make them more effective. Flexibility allows for a range of movement to occur, and takes place in different areas around the body. People with good flexibility are generally able to rotate their joints, stretch their muscles, and bend their bodies in ways that people without flexibility might not be able to do. Flexibility is an important quality to develop, especially when it comes to a person's training in both martial arts and sports......Read more Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kelebio_Oberti . All Rights Reserved. Image is copyright of its...
by fitnessseg
The following article is a guest post from Kelebio Oberti . If you want to see more articles like this, follow Fitnesse Seg's blog today! There are many reasons why flexibility training should be done regularly by everyone. A flexible person can be used to a number of techniques, movements, and positions that others might not be able to do at all due to lack of flexibility. Flexibility can improve one's quality of life, and allow someone to engage in activities that they might find more comfortable than others. In martial arts, flexibility allows for a range of movement to occur, and takes place in different areas around the...
by fitnessseg
Fitness is all about sticking up for yourself. And while you are doing that, you'd also like to be smart about it. Whenever you're looking for advice on how to maintain good health and get fit in the process, it's not always easy to know exactly where to start . It can be incredibly frustrating finding articles that are directed to people with various levels of fitness requirements and goals. In this article, I'm going to provide a clear outline of how you can go about making sense of all the information available and ultimately get the advice that's most applicable to your situation. In order to be successful in getting fit, it's important to get started today! Go ahead an...
No doubt about it...fitness is an important part of life! But, where exactly do you start? And what kind of things do you need in order to make fitness work for you? Depending on your current level of health and activity, the best place for you may not always be the same as someone else.
While the information provided in this article may not apply to everyone, it's essential that you take the time to find out exactly what works best for you. If you are currently not in a situation where fitness is something that can be done on a regular basis, don't worry! You can still incorporate exercise into your life as an important part of your overall health and well-being!
The first step is to clearly identify your personal goals and decide how much effort you're willing to put into achieving them. Next, carefu...
Fitness is all about sticking up for yourself. And while you are doing that, you'd also like to be smart about it.
Enhance Your Flexibility