Ideas For A Home Based Business


 Ideas For A Home Based Business

There are a lot of ideas that might help you transition your job into a home based business, and one of the most popular ones is to start an online store. It’s not always easy to know where to start when it comes to getting started with an online store, which is why we compiled this list of 25 website statistics that will walk you through every step. Even if you have no idea where to begin, this article will provide all the information for you. You don't need any previous knowledge or experience with e-commerce, either! All you need is motivation and creativity.

How many people are shopping online?

First of all, we need to examine how much money people around the globe are spending online. Just take a look at this infographic. Do you want to know the number? $3,300,000,000. That’s how much money people spend shopping online every day. Surely that’s enough motivation for you to at least try and get a piece of the pie! Online business is getting more popular every year as well. In fact, 1 out of every 4 shoppers in 2013 will shop online. The number is even bigger in 2014 when 1 out of 3 shoppers will shop online.

The best kind of a home-based business: online store or dropship?

There are many ways you can start an online store and sell products online. You can sell the product directly, dropship the product or do both of those things. We’re going to focus on dropshipping in this article, as it’s a great way to make your home based business successful. Selling products directly is more time-consuming as you need to pack orders, ship and handle all customer service requests which can be very demanding if you deal with a lot of customers. With dropshipping this is not an issue at all since all orders are shipped from the manufacturer and not from your home based business. Most dropshippers will be able to ship orders in two days and theoretically you have a couple of weeks to prepare for the order.

Determining how much to price your products

The first step is to determine how much you are going to charge for the product you are going to sell. There are many different factors that come into play when pricing your products. First, determine how much your product costs in order to make an accurate estimate of the cost of the item. Second, determine what customers are willing and able to pay for your product. After a lot of market research and idea testing, you should be able to easily come up with a list of things that help you determine how much to price your products. Things like target customer, product quality and brand recognition will all play an important part in determining pricing.

There are multiple ways you can get traffic to your online store. For example, you can start an affiliate review site where people can come and read honest reviews about the products they want to purchase. You can also use social media marketing, search engine optimization and many more methods in order to attract traffic for your online business.

How do I choose a good domain name?

Next on the list is choosing a good domain name for your online store. There are some names you can use that are very popular. For example, people have the word 'shoes' in their mind when they think about a shoe store. That's why people would be more likely to buy shoes online at a shoe website then they would if they were browsing for shoes at a shoe store. When choosing a name, you want to make sure that it is easy to remember and understand. You also want something that is catchy and comes up on the first page of Google search results as well.

Choosing a good ecommerce platform for your online store

Ecommerce platforms are an important part of building your online business. There are hundreds of platforms that are available for you to use, which is why it can be hard to choose the right one. To make things easier for you, I created a list of the best ecommerce platforms and what they have to offer. Most online stores use Shopify because it has a simple interface, tons of great themes and plugins. Also, you don’t need any technical skills in order to create your online store on Shopify. It might not be as customizable as some other options available but if you don't need that many customizations then Shopify is the platform for you.

Setting up your products: photos, descriptions and more!

If you don’t have any past experience with photography, it’s best to ask someone else or use a professional service to take pictures of your products. A good picture is the key in making someone want to buy your product in the first place. Make sure it has a great background and that all angles of the product are clearly visible. Your product should be displayed as clearly as possible. Just make sure you don’t go overboard with too many details and cause confusion.

If you don’t want to spend a lot of time on photography, an easy way to make your store look great and professional is to use a theme. There are thousands of themes available for you to choose from that will make your products really pop out in the shop. For example, they can use high quality images as featured images or even use videos in the product images. Many online stores go with Shopify themes because they look great and are very easy to use.

Use a professional theme for your online store.

For each product you sell, you should use an item title to make it easy for customers to quickly find what they are looking for. For example, 'Men's Socks', 'Women's Socks' and 'Kids Socks' are very distinct keywords that people might be searching for when looking to buy socks. Choosing these terms is great because they will rank high in search engines. It’s also a good idea to include key words in the description of your product so people know what it is exactly and why they should purchase it.


In order to make a successful home-based business, you need to find out what customers are looking for and try to provide that. This will help you determine what kind of products you should sell and how much they will cost. After choosing your sale methods, create your online store and start selling! To recap, these are the main steps to creating your online store: pick a niche for your online store, choose an ecommerce platform, create product descriptions, optimize product pages and use search engine optimization to help users find your products. If there is anything else I can help you with please let me know in the comment section below.

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