Learning to handle conflict and difficult conversations


  Learning to handle conflict and difficult conversations

Conflict, even conflict with friends or family, is a necessary component of life. Conflict doesn't always feel good, but it does offer the opportunity for growth and change. 
It is important to be able to identify your feelings during and after conflicts. No feeling is bad or wrong; they are all valid and need to be acknowledged in order to move on from them. Once you have identified your feelings, choose a course of action that will satisfy your need rather than trying to get something from the other person.  
There are many different types of conflict. Some can be resolved quickly, such as a difference in opinion. Other conflicts may be based on deeper feelings within yourself or the other person involved. No matter what the type of conflict is, it always has two underlying questions:
· Why does this conflict exist?
· What needs are not being met by either party?
In order to move towards resolution, you must first understand what is really happening in a conflict in order to be able to have constructive communication.  
Conflicts happen when one party's needs are not being met and that person feels justified and empowered enough to do something about that need. It is important to remember that you are only responsible for your own feelings and actions.   Changing how you feel about something or someone can be a powerful tool for conflict resolution.   People are much more likely to respond positively when they feel like their needs are being heard and respected.
You can't control what others do, but you can control how you respond to it. Taking responsibility for your feelings during conflict is a great way to create peace and resolution within yourself.
It helps to see loved ones not as enemies, but as people who have different opinions on the matter and who need help in getting their own needs met.  
When you are considering making a major change in your life, like moving to another city or changing jobs, it is important to understand how this decision will affect the people around you.   Consider taking time before making a major decision with the people who surround you. Whether or not they agree with you, they may appreciate the opportunity to be involved in your decision-making process.   In some cases this means that they will try to talk you out of it, but it also gives them an opening to share their feelings and fears about what they think will happen if you make a certain choice. You are only responsible for your own feelings and actions; do not feel guilty for not sharing someone else's opinion.
If you have been in a conflict with someone, the best way to resolve it is to have one-on-one time with that person. It is important for you to understand that this is not an attack or an opportunity for them to blame you for what happened. In conflicts, people are always looking for someone to blame. When we blame someone else, it gives us a sense of power and control over the situation. If we feel bad about something, then we want to make that other person feel bad as well. However, if you take responsibility for your part in a conflict, then you will be more open and ready to solve problems rather than make them worse by trying to shift the blame elsewhere.  
When it comes to conflict resolution, nothing is simple. If you are in a relationship where there is a lot of conflict, it is important to define the main problem and the needs that are not being met on both sides.   People tend to get into conflicts when they feel out of control, and one of the best ways to feel in control is by blaming someone else, shifting all responsibility away from yourself. When you take responsibility for your actions and feelings, you begin to meet your own needs rather than trying to make other people do things for you or give up their personal power.   
The key word here is empowerment . Empowerment is when you are able to meet your own needs for happiness and being yourself. This is the first step in conflict resolution. Once you start taking responsibility for your feelings, you will start to see that the other person's wants and needs are important too.   It means that allowing another person to define how they feel about a situation is control over how you are going to feel about it. It also means that if you do not like something happening or someone not doing what they should be doing, then it is okay for them to express how they feel as long as their needs are not being met.  
When it comes to conflict resolution, the only person who can change how you feel is you. Whatever the reason for the conflict, there is a way to solve it if all parties are willing to give in on something and accept certain feelings.   Understanding that feelings and needs change is what will lead you into resolving any conflict that arises between you and another person. It is important to realize that not all relationships are meant to last forever. Problems are a normal part of life; they also make life interesting and exciting at times. If a relationship becomes emotionally unhealthy, then it may be necessary to end it before more serious problems arise.  
If you can learn to recognize your own feelings and needs, finding the right people in your life who believe in themselves and have the same values, then you will have a happy and satisfying life.
The ability to communicate with certainty and honesty is important for resolving conflict. Being clear about what you want and need will make people more receptive to your requests or needs than if they don't know what you are looking for. People are more likely to be accepting of your needs when they understand that all people experience emotions just like they do.  
It is important for all parties involved in a conflict to remember that even if one person is being selfish or unfair, it doesn't mean that the other person can't be too.
People who are feeling attacked may feel the need to defend themselves or blame the other person. It is important to realize that this is a defense mechanism and not their true feelings. If one person feels like they are being attacked by someone else, it may actually be that they want to know or express how they truly feel. You should always give your partner a "safe space" in which you can be honest with them and express how you are feeling without any guilt attached. Never take responsibility for other people's feelings because it will only lead to more anger and resentment from both sides.
It is important to keep in mind that not all anger is created equal. There are times when anger can be a good thing if it motivates you to make changes in your life and relationships that need to be made. If you have reached the point of enough is enough, then it is okay to feel angry as long as the other person knows that there is a problem and there is a solution in sight. The point of anger should be to fuel your determination to do what needs doing.  
If you are the one who is feeling attacked, then it will help if you can understand where this person is coming from instead of focusing on how they make you feel. It may mean that they are not speaking directly about what they are feeling, which makes it hard for them to give their opinion directly on the matter.

The question of how to resolve conflict can sometimes be hard to answer. You should always remember that everyone has their own expectations, hopes, and needs. It is important not to assume that your partner wants the same things as you but make certain that there are goals or expectations that are in common between both of you. Make sure you understand each other's feelings, and then it will be easier to resolve the problem at hand. Understanding oneself and being able to communicate with certainty about those feelings is really the key to solving any conflict in a relationship.

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