Learning to manage your own personal health and wellness


  Learning to manage your own personal health and wellness

When it comes to your personal health and wellness, the biggest obstacle for most people is figuring out how to prioritize. We all know that we should exercise more, eat better, and get more sleep, but we often have a hard time prioritizing those health-related tasks when there are so many other things calling for attention. However, this article will provide you with some insight into how you can make healthy living one of your top priorities without having to sacrifice anything else. Educate yourself on these key steps below and start taking control of your own personal health and wellbeing!

Eliminate hidden sources of sugar in your diet: Sugar...

You are walking down the street and you see a food truck, and it's calling your name! You get in line, place your order, and get ready to taste the deliciousness that has been advertised all over social media. The burger gets handed to you, and you bite right into it. It tastes wonderful, but what taste better than a burger? Your favorite side dish on the side. You rip open a packet of ketchup and dig right in - only to bite into an unexpected ingredient: plastic. Grossed out? That's understandable. But this is not an uncommon occurrence for those who eat at certain food trucks. What is the source of this plastic? It's your straw.

For those who drink a lot of soda, the conventional straws just aren't cutting it anymore - they are flimsy and don't seem to be very sturdy. Some people turn to thicker plastic straws made from petroleum products that can take the beating. But is that what you want to be consuming? Not necessarily. In fact, most plastic is made from petroleum or other non-renewable sources of energy and released into landfills, where it takes hundreds of years to decompose. While plastic can be recycled, it is not always feasible to recycle everything.

So what are some sustainable options that are still quite strong for your purpose? You might explore glass straws and metal straws that have been made from all-natural (and eco-friendly) materials. Explore your choices by searching online and at local stores. Also, consider leaving your straw behind! You can easily take a break from consuming crunchy or sugary beverages with the use of a reusable metal or glass straw as an alternative option.

How long should the average person drink water?

Dietitians recommend a minimum of 8 glasses daily, while many people need more than 8 cups (or 64 oz. of water) a day to stay hydrated. Many people are also dehydrated and not even realizing it.

The right amount of water is extremely important to the body and the overall health of the individual. Water is known as the "universal solvent," which means it can dissolve virtually all substances (both inorganic and organic). Water plays a key role in keeping blood sugar stable, removing waste, maintaining healthy levels of muscle and organ function, and aiding in digestion, absorption, and transportation of essential nutrients through blood. Additionally, water helps stabilize electrolytes (such as sodium and potassium), which are essential to the functioning of every cell in the body.

However, even though water is essential to our lives, we are always trying to find the next best thing when it comes to drinking. Juices, sodas, alcohols and other beverages tend to look like the most appealing way of getting hydration. However, these can cause some serious damage (such as liver damage) in the long run.

Although juices and sodas might be a great way to get some fruit and sugar into the diet, they aren't as beneficial as actual pieces of fruit or drinking water. The only situation that would be desirable for a juice or soda is if you are suffering from the flu or a cold and need to replace fluids.

Keeping water consumption high is beneficial not only for your body as well as the environment, but also to keep your teeth looking white! If you're wondering how much water should you drink each day, I recommend that you plan on drinking at least 16 oz. (a tall glass) of water per hour. This means that if you are in the gym for an hour, then drink at least 2 glasses of water over the course of that time. If you're doing more strenuous activities for longer, then you should anticipate drinking at least 24 oz of water per hour.

How can I start a healthy diet?

By starting a healthy diet you can control your weight, prevent health-related problems as well as feel great! Allocating time consistently to eating a balanced, nutritious diet is one of the best ways to lower the risk for chronic diseases (like heart disease) and type 2 diabetes. It is also preferable to start by selecting one or two healthy dietary patterns that emphasize the inclusion of fruits, vegetables and whole grains into your daily nutrition. A healthful diet should include lots of foods that are naturally low in fat and high in fiber (such as leafy green vegetables). You should also include foods low in sodium and high in potassium.

You should look to include the following:

A variety of fruits and vegetables at every meal: If you have a snack or two during the day, then you can increase those amounts by 50 to 100 calories per snack. The variety of fruits and vegetables should be fairly similar each day; do not go overboard with different flavors to avoid gaining weight or becoming bored. The USDA does not recommend making your choices all "superior," but rather that they are similar in flavor, color, size, texture and nutritive value. These foods are available in the form of fruits, vegetables, salad, soups, dairy products and meats.

If you have a snack or two during the day, then you can increase those amounts by 50 to 100 calories per snack. The variety of fruits and vegetables should be fairly similar each day; do not go overboard with different flavors to avoid gaining weight or becoming bored. The USDA does not recommend making your choices all "superior," but rather that they are similar in flavor, color, size, texture and nutritive value. These foods are available in the form of fruits, vegetables, salad, soups, dairy products and meats.


Eating a balanced diet is important in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Paying attention to the nutrients that are included in your daily diet is imperative. Try to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet, as well as getting more fiber. Besides watching what you eat, also watch how you eat; try to avoid eating in front of the TV or spending countless time eating alone! A healthy lifestyle and balanced diet will help ensure your happiness and health for life!



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