Medical Insurance – Sorry, you're not covered!


 Medical Insurance – Sorry, you're not covered!

The rate of uninsured Americans has hit a new low, with only 10.9 percent of the population being uninsured in 2017.

But just because the rates have gone down, doesn't mean that all Americans are insured- or that they're covered for their necessities.

One recent study estimates that about 40 percent of Americans are suffering from medical debt, with some losing their homes as a result. With recent changes to federal law and healthcare reform, it's harder than ever for people to find affordable coverage on the open market without waiting periods and deductibles being offered by insurance companies. They can either spend too much time earning premiums or pay monthly bills out of pocket before seeing a doctor again.

Most of us will be able to take advantage of the new law, but so many others are suffering due to a lack of ready access to healthcare. Here are just some things that people are finding as they look for healthcare on the open market in 2017:

"Sorry, you're not covered!" – Thanks to a series of laws passed in recent weeks and months, you can find yourself being rejected for coverage due to pre-existing conditions if you ever had them. This is because your old insurance company (or one that was part of the same company) was required by federal law to raise your rates drastically if they suspected that health problems were affecting your coverage. Some people will find that years later they were rejected by an insurance company, even though they never had a problem with their coverage.

– Thanks to a series of laws passed in recent weeks and months, you can find yourself being rejected for coverage due to pre-existing conditions if you ever had them. This is because your old insurance company (or one that was part of the same company) was required by federal law to raise your rates drastically if they suspected that health problems were affecting your coverage. Some people will find that years later they were rejected by an insurance company, even though they never had a problem with their coverage. "Sorry, you're not covered!" – Even if you do have insurance, you can still find yourself being rejected for coverage. That's because insurance companies now have the right to deny coverage for a service during the time that a pre-existing condition is being treated. As long as they give you 30 days' notice (and send it via first class mail), they can look at your policy and say that if you need surgery on something, they don't have to cover it unless that part of your body is broken- and even then, they can consider not covering it at all if the doctor says that it's minor and not worth paying full price for.

– Even if you do have insurance, you can still find yourself being rejected for coverage. That's because insurance companies now have the right to deny coverage for a service during the time that a pre-existing condition is being treated. As long as they give you 30 days' notice (and send it via first class mail), they can look at your policy and say that if you need surgery on something, they don't have to cover it unless that part of your body is broken- and even then, they can consider not covering it at all if the doctor says that it's minor and not worth paying full price for. "Sorry, you're not covered!" – The new law still allows insurance companies to raise your rates and refuse to cover you or your family. If they don't have to risk your premiums, they won't explain it! and if you don't understand, well …

– The new law still allows insurance companies to raise your rates and refuse to cover you or your family. If they don't have to risk your premiums, they won't explain it! and if you don't understand, well … "Sorry, you're not covered!" – You can still be denied coverage for pre-existing conditions even after the new healthcare law was passed in 2010. Some states still don't have laws that force insurance companies to accept all applicants, and you can find yourself being rejected because of pre-existing conditions in all 50 states.

– You can still be denied coverage for pre-existing conditions even after the new healthcare law was passed in 2010. Some states still don't have laws that force insurance companies to accept all applicants, and you can find yourself being rejected because of pre-existing conditions in all 50 states. "Sorry, you're not covered!" – Just like the people above, some are finding that they're not getting help even if they are sick. As you can see in the chart above, there's also a huge difference in what insurance companies pay for procedures like basic diagnostic tests when it comes to covering those who are insured, versus those who are uninsured.

– Just like the people above, some are finding that they're not getting help even if they are sick. As you can see in the chart above, there's also a huge difference in what insurance companies pay for procedures like basic diagnostic tests when it comes to covering those who are insured, versus those who are uninsured. "Sorry, you're not covered!" – There's a shortage of private doctors willing to take new patients and work with insurance companies. In fact, in some areas it's even harder to find a doctor than it is to find an affordable home!

– There's a shortage of private doctors willing to take new patients and work with insurance companies. In fact, in some areas it's even harder to find a doctor than it is to find an affordable home! "Sorry, you're not covered!" – Many doctors are telling their patients, "Sorry, we don't accept that insurance company." If you lose your job or switch jobs or companies (or go into business for yourself), you might have difficulty sticking with your former doctor.

– Many doctors are telling their patients, "Sorry, we don't accept that insurance company. If you lose your job or switch jobs or companies (or go into business for yourself), you might have difficulty sticking with your former doctor. "Sorry, you're not covered!" – Don't even think about looking for coverage from Aetna, Wellpoint, Humana or any other insurance company that has already been using this excuse to reject applicants from people who have pre-existing conditions. They're not going to play along with Obamacare if it means they'll lose profits!

– Don't even think about looking for coverage from Aetna, Wellpoint, Humana or any other insurance company that has already been using this excuse to reject applicants from people who have pre-existing conditions. They're not going to play along with Obamacare if it means they'll lose profits! "Sorry, you're not covered!" – Every insurance company will tell you that Obamacare "rules" make them responsible for covering pre-existing conditions. Don't believe it!

– Every insurance company will tell you that Obamacare "rules" make them responsible for covering pre-existing conditions. Don't believe it! "Sorry, you're not covered!" – Find out if your insurance company is one of the few that are refusing to help you after Obamacare passed. If they are, ask yourself why and do something about it before your health gets worse and costs more in medical bills.


The words "Sorry you're not covered" should be music to the ears of Obamacare supporters. Why? Because it proves that American health care is broken and in need of improvement. As a whole, our country spends more on health care than any other country in the world, but when it comes down to actually covering the medical costs for everyday people, our old system is still letting us down.

Will our new Affordable Care Act bring an end to the "Sorry you're not covered!" excuse? In some cases, yes. If you have pre-existing conditions and have been waiting for insurance companies to accept applications from people with pre-existing conditions – good news! We've made progress.

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