The Power of Habitual Energy Conservation at Home


  The Power of Habitual Energy Conservation at Home

You can help save the environment by conserving energy, and it doesn't have to be hard! This post will show you some tips for how to conserve at home without having any real impact on your lifestyle. You'll learn about basic energy use in homes, what happens when we don't conserve, potential savings on electricity and gas bills, as well as the benefits of taking small actions like turning off lights or fully closing windows.

#Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "The Great Barrier Reef - What It Is & How We're Trying To Save It". In your introduction include:

- The name of your blog post

- A summary of the main points to be addressed in the blog post (or a brief preview)

- A short description or explanation about the topic/subject of the blog post

#Write 4 paragraphs in response to the following question. Make sure to use examples and details from your reading, research and knowledge to support your answer.

In what ways can Australia contribute to efforts worldwide to protect our natural environment?

#Write a conclusion that summarizes your post. Don't forget to restate or emphasize important points made in earlier paragraphs. Also, don't forget that conclusions typically don't have complete sentences.

#Research the Great Barrier Reef. What are the main threats to the future of the Great Barrier Reef? How can we best help prevent these threats?

#Go through your blog post and restate or highlight important points. You may need to edit out mentions of certain words (using a grammar checker) as well as delete irrelevant information (like links). Before emailing your blog post, make sure that you have verified that the title and all parts of it are still grammatically correct. Also, double-check any formatting as possible. When you're satisfied with your draft, email it to me at austinquestions at gmail dot com . Blog posts are due on Thursday at 11:59pm.
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TITLE: The Peppered Moth: How Nature Helps Us Understand Evolution and Biodiversity [ARTICLE START] Source #1 provides an explanation of how the peppered moth is a great tool for helping scientists understand evolution. Everyone has noticed that there are species of moths with two different colors on their wings. Well, this was discovered by Robert Lawton in the late 19th century, while working as a taxidermist. He noticed that some of these moths had a very light colored back side and a dark color on the front. This would make sense because if you are a predator, you would never notice such insects since they blend in with trees (excellent camouflage).

The peppered moth had an interesting story about how it came into being. This unique animal was originally found in the United States, when it arrived on ships coming from England to America. However, upon landing, explorer Alexander Wilson decided to study the local moth population. After noticing that some of these moths had a very light-colored back while others had a dark-colored front, he decided to investigate further.

He soon found that the dark moths were afraid of predators due to their dark color; however, the lighter back moths blended in with tree bark. This was due to the fact that most birds and other natural predators could not see them on tree trunks as easily as they could see the darker variety. He noticed that when plants started becoming polluted by coal smoke in England, the darker variety started getting eaten more often. The lighter variety is more common now because it was able to hide from predators better in trees where there was less pollution. This was called the "Lawton's Experiment" for obvious reasons.

The darker variety had a tougher time when the environment became polluted by industrial smokestacks and coal tar. Now that you know more about how this process occurred, you can start to look at how this may be a good thing down the line. Source #2 describes the natural impact of pollution as well as its effect on select types of animals. Many animals, especially birds, have special ways in which they deal with very dirty air. This is because they breathe through their noses while most other animals breathe through their mouths (this is called "breathing through your nose" or "Nasal Breathing"). This allows them to "suck up" the air and filter out the larger particles of pollution through their nasal passages.

However, birds are not able to breathe this way when they sleep or rest. This is because they are resting with their mouths open. So, the pollution goes directly into their bodies and allows particles to enter their lungs and bloodstreams (bad news). However, if you put up air filters in your home or go camping in a less polluted area, you can protect these animals at night by breathing for them (breathing for them = controlling your breathing so that it is consistent while they sleep). This is a great way to preserve them.

In general, you can do the same with other animals as well. Many insects and frogs have special mechanisms that allow them to filter out small particles of pollution and stop it from entering into their bodies (toxic). Many species of mammals have fur that traps these small particles (bad news). However, there are some species of animals that can make use of this extra protection.

For example, horses are very tough animals. In fact, they can survive being shot by bullets or even having lower limbs blown off! So, they were able to handle the decrease in air quality caused by coal-burning during the Industrial Revolution. However, horses in the past started having problems breathing when they had to climb hills (bad news). They used to be able to survive on the land, but there was a time when there were no horse-powered vehicles that allowed us to go anywhere. So, horses were unable to catch up with the rest of us and could only stay in one place. This is called endangerment for obvious reasons.

Source #3 explains how cyanobacteria are a vital part of our biosphere. Many species of cyanobacteria live on land as well as at the bottoms of lakes and oceans (this is called "the water cycle"). They are used to capturing tiny particulate matter and converting it into nitrogen compounds that our plants can use. This is a great way for us to preserve these organisms, especially animals that feed on them. However, getting the dust onto the surfaces where they live is a difficult task (bad news). There are many ways in which we can deal with this problem. Source #4 discusses how we can clean up particles of pollution from land or water using different solutions (not everyone can use the same technique; you'll need to pick what works best for you). The various tools include filters, soils, bioremediation, and cleaning with high-pressure heating.


The title of this article was "How Does Pollution Strengthen or Weaken Animal Species?" The answer is…it depends on the exact process of evolution. When dealing with animals that have air pressure in their bodies, they are capable of surviving in polluted areas. However, when dealing with animals that do not have this natural protection, it can be very dangerous for them. It can also make it difficult to find the animals that need your help (however, there are ways you can deal with this problem).

In general, you only want to go into areas where it is safe for creatures and clean up their habitat.

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