Time Management Techniques for Writers and Authors
Have you ever felt like there is just not enough time in the day to complete all of your work? If this is something that has been bothering you for a while, then it might be time for some time management techniques. Here are some effective tips to help get your life in order and stay focused on your work.
- Set specific hours during which you can focus on tasks; don't let yourself get distracted into thinking about other unproductive things later such as what's for dinner or what you want to watch on Hulu later.
- Break down large projects into smaller parts or tasks; this will make them feel less overwhelming and allow them to have more logical progression within each individual task.
- If it is not possible to have a specific time for a specific task, then be sure to allocate just enough time to be able to get the work done. This will help alleviate unnecessary stress in the situation.
- Try scheduling breaks throughout the day so that you can take a few minutes out of your day without feeling as though you are wasting time.
- Do not allow yourself to procrastinate on tasks, even if it seems like there is nothing more pressing that needs doing during that moment. Knowing that you cannot put off things too long throughout the day will keep you from getting in over your head and making decisions or commitments under pressure or when all you want to do is relax.
- It's important for procrastination to not consume too much of your day. If you find that you are spending a large amount of time doing things that don't really help in any way, then it may be better to make time for the tasks that will really make an impact on your work.
- Try to vary your work schedule throughout the week so that you don't end up getting stuck with a gridded routine. This will increase client retention and keep them happy from month to month.
- Consider taking notes when brainstorming ideas for a new book or project idea. This will keep all of your thoughts organized and will allow you to see the different ways in which you can start each project.
- Find a time management system that works for you, whether it is using a planner or something more in depth like a spreadsheet.
- It's important to stay focused on the goals that you have set for yourself and the work that needs to be done. If there are things around the house or tasks that need to be done, then keep them on a separate schedule from your work so that they don't distract you from what really matters during each day.
- Don't beat yourself up if things don't go exactly as planned while working on your projects; just move on and try again later.
- Designate a place or location in which you can be most productive and try to stick with that throughout the day.
- Focus on one thing at a time, and don't allow yourself to get distracted by looking at other things until it's necessary.
- Be sure to check your inbox frequently throughout the day so that you don't spend an extra amount of time checking it once or twice throughout the day. That way, if there are immediately important emails waiting, you won't have to waste time checking your email program multiple times before getting something done. Instead, you can focus on just getting your email done as soon as possible so that you can get back to what really matters.
- Be sure to budget your time wisely. Time is money, and it's important that you don't waste it or spend too much of it on things that will not really pay off in the long-run.
- Sit down at a pre-determined time each day when you can be most productive so that you can write without feeling as though you are under pressure to get things done quickly.
- Don't let yourself get distracted by going on social media sites unless they are work related. This will save you from getting sidetracked and will allow you to keep working instead of wasting time online.
- Don't allow yourself to spend too much time on the computer or watching television; instead, schedule breaks throughout your day so that you can get up and move around periodically. This will keep you from being distracted and from having to re-focus later on when your mind wanders while working.
- Trying using a program like Freedom to block some of your favorite websites from being accessed for a period of time. That way, if it takes too long for you to work on something, then it won't be as easy for you to get sidetracked.
- If you're really struggling to get your work done, try to not let it get you down. Take a break and try again later on when you can focus without getting distracted.
- Visualize the time that you will spend working. This will allow you to see the ways in which the work can progress throughout the day, as well as how much time and effort went into each individual task that actually gets done.
- If there is something that requires an immediate response such as a phone call or email, then make sure that it is answered right away so that it doesn't continue to linger and become an annoyance over time.
- Be sure to evaluate your time management skills and think about how you can improve on them. Don't beat yourself up over past mistakes, but learn from them so that you can make a better effort next time to organize your work schedule as best as possible.
- Practice the law of attraction. What you focus on each day will come true, whether it is good or bad. Make sure that it's something you want to see in your future!
- Try to set realistic goals for yourself; this way, if things don't work out, then at least you won't have allowed unrealistic expectations spoil the work that was done during the day.
- Don't accept things that are unimportant to you in life, otherwise you will eventually find yourself spending a great deal of time working on things that do not affect your life in a positive way.
- Be sure to check the clock during your work day so that you can keep track of the time without having to constantly monitor the time.
- If you find that you tend to get distracted by other things, then schedule a specific time period and place for those distractions so that they don't end up interfering with the work that is getting done for any given project.
- If you find that you're struggling to get things done, then you have to be okay with the fact that it will take longer than expected to complete. After all, no one ever gets anything done perfectly the first time around.
- Try and make changes to your home or work environment in order to keep yourself focused throughout the day. That way, if it's something like a messy desk that makes a difference, then you can clean it up right away and get back to work without spending any time on cleaning whatsoever!
- Be sure to record what has been accomplished at the end of each day so that you can know where you need improvement and what areas are being worked on throughout the week.
Time management is one of the most important things to get right in life. It is so crucial that many of us struggle with it and all too often fail in the process. However, it doesn't have to be this way. Time management isn't an impossible challenge or something that we should accept as a fact of life; it's something that we can learn, practice and master if we dedicate enough time to learning about it and then practicing what we've learned every single day.