Wisdom and Emotional Resilience


  Wisdom and Emotional Resilience

 Finding the perspective that works best for you

 Managing fear and negativity in the moment

 Breaking through barriers that might seem insurmountable

Before we dive into this, let's clarify why this blog post is informative.  It will cover  the following topics:  
1) Wisdom and Emotional Resilience 2) Finding Perspective 3) Managing Fear and Negativity 4) Breaking Through Barriers 5) Why This Blog Post is Informative. We had to do these five bullet points because it's a blog post about how to boost your emotional resilience. For this reason, it has an educational tone.
I hope you understand.  This blog post has a purpose. You need to know the following things if you want to build your emotional resilience: ... 1) Your emotional resilience is based on your perspective. 2) You can't become emotionally resilient without managing fear and negativity in the moment. 3) Your three most important skills are: - Perspective Taking - Planning - Emotional Nourishment 4) As a result, you need to practice these four skill sets in order for them to be effective at building your emotional resilience. 5) And lastly, this blog post will give you guidance on how to do these four skill sets properly... There's also . And . And . And ...
This blog post is informative. It's not an entertaining piece, so I'm going to end on this note: build your emotional resilience by training yourself -- Everyday -- to take a step back and look at situations differently. Do this through perspective taking, planning, and emotional nourishment; then find your personal set of skills that works best for you. Remember, you're going to be living with these skills for the rest of your life so choose wisely.
Emotional Resilience is Key to Success
People who are emotionally resilient tend to be successful in life; even though they have experienced trauma or significant losses in the past.  People who are emotionally resilient possess the following:  1) Their mind is clear and focused 2) They are confident in their ability to handle anything that comes their way 3) They have a strong sense of self-worth, and 4) They trust themselves.
Here's how emotional resilience plays into everything we do in our daily lives. ... 1) Emotional resilience is how we process various emotions. We all feel a variety of emotions on a daily basis. And if you wonder why people tend to act that way, it's because they haven't processed their emotions well enough to react properly. Invalid emotions, fear, sadness, anger, etc. are tossed in the air like confetti. It doesn't have to be that way. You don't have to process your emotions so quickly that they turn into valid and invalid emotions.(Not sure what I'm talking about? Don't worry we'll be getting into that later on in the post.) 2) Emotional resilience is how we make decisions. You can't make good decisions if you're not emotionally resilient. Good decisions require you to trust yourself; and trust yourself when you're being bombarded with negative thoughts.(Not sure what I mean when I say "negative thoughts"? Don't worry we'll get there too.) 3) Emotional resilience is how we spend our time. Do you really know what you're doing with your time? Or do you just function on autopilot? We all have days where we function by autopilot. It's how we live but when you don't take a step back and ask yourself if that's the best way to spend your time, then that's a problem. 4) Emotional resilience is how we build healthy relationships. It wouldn't matter if you're an extrovert, introvert, or ambivert; if you don't know how to properly deal with people then you won't be able to build healthy relationships. 5) And lastly, emotional resilience is how we grow as human beings. Emotional resilience isn't just a skill set needed to build healthy relationships. It's a skill set that can help you understand why people act the way they do. And once you have that understanding then it's easier to make better decisions in life.
How to Boost Your Emotional Resilience
When it comes to building emotional resilience there are three major areas of focus: 1) Perspective Taking 2) Planning 3) Emotional Nourishment In this blog post we'll discuss each one of these areas of focus:  Emotionally speaking, perspective taking is key in improving your emotional resilience. Emotional resilience is based on your perspective. I made this point to make sure that you understand the importance of perspective taking.  You can't become emotionally resilient without managing fear and negativity in the moment. You need to be positive in order for your emotional resilience to work properly.  Negative emotions are just ... negative emotions; they're not healthy, they don't help you, and they make it harder to build emotional resilience. Therefore, we have to learn how to manage negative emotions in a healthy way so that we can gain emotional resilience .(I'll explain what healthy means later on. For now, let's just say it's the best way that you can manage your emotional life.) You need to think about your emotions as a thermometer.  If your emotions are high or low then that will determine how well you're able to handle difficulties and challenges in life. This is why no matter what environment you're in, if your emotions are low then you won't be able to handle anything that comes your way and it will have a negative effect on everything that you do. A healthy emotion is one in which the temperature is at the normal range of emotional comfort.   A healthy emotion doesn't fluctuate from too high to too low anymore than it would from too cold to too hot. A healthy emotion allows you to be fully present in the moment and to take a step back when needed.  
How can you know if your emotion is healthy or not?  There isn't a way to measure it. It's all about your attitude . And that's why perspective taking is so important when it comes to building emotional resilience.  It helps you gain control of your emotions by knowing how to process them properly.

Emotional resilience is a powerful skill set that can greatly improve your life.  It can help you create good relationships, make good decisions, and see why people act the way they do when you know how to build emotional resilience . You must develop an attitude of acceptance in order to be emotionally resilient. You cannot be happy if you're angry.  You need to learn how to process negative thoughts so that when they strike, you can manage them without going into fear or invalid emotions.  
Now it's time for me to leave my last word on emotional resilience .  When we're children our parents teach us about the thermometer analogy for emotions .

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